On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:00 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:
>> In at least Chrome and Firefox, blob: acts like filesystem: and can't
>> be loaded cross-origin. Even in cases when we normally permit loading
>> of cross-origin resources like in <img> and <script>.
>> This has been to prevent websites from being able to steal data by
>> guessing UUIDs (at least the Gecko UUID generator isn't guaranteed to
>> produce unguessable UUIDs).
>> So the question of <canvas> tainting doesn't really come into play,
>> since you can't even load the cross-origin blob: into an image and
>> draw it into the canvas.
> Again fair, but do we consider that something we want to fix or do we
> want to enshrine this?

Given that there's no way to set CORS headers on these (yet), I think
there's very limited value in allowing them to be read cross-origin.

We could look at enabling developers to opting in to generating a URI
which can be read cross-origin, at which point it could generate a URI
which can be read by a developer-chosen set of origins. But I'd prefer
to keep the default behavior closed.

/ Jonas

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