You're probably think of IE's Pinned Sites concept on Windows 8:

    James Greene
    Sent from my [smart?]phone
On May 31, 2014 10:35 AM, "Mounir Lamouri" <> wrote:

> On Sat, 31 May 2014, at 10:40, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > I have a question about Use Cases for Installable WebApps located at
> >
> >
> > Under section "Add to Homescreen", the document states:
> >
> >     ... giving developers the choice to tightly integrate their web
> >     applications into the OS directly from the Web browser is
> >     still somewhat new...
> >
> >     ... [Installable WebApps] are different in that the
> >     applications are "installed" directly from the browser itself
> >     rather than from an app store...
> >
> > It sounds like to me the idea is to allow any site on the internet to
> > become a app store. My observations are the various app stores provide
> > vendor lock-in and ensure a revenue stream. Its architected into the
> > platform. Companies like Apple, Microsoft and RIM likely *won't* give
> > up lock-in or the revenue stream (at least not without a fight).
> >
> > Are there any platforms providing the feature? Has the feature gained
> > any traction among the platform vendors?
> Isn't "Add to homescreen" feature something you can find in a more or
> less advanced fashion on Safari iOS, Firefox Android, Firefox OS and
> Chrome Android? I believe IE had something similar some time ago on
> desktop but I don't know what's the current status of that. Chrome Apps
> is also doing some experiments on desktop [1].
> [1]
> -- Mounir

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