On 06/06/2014 13:29 , Piotr Koszuliński wrote:
1. That we need any native UI related to cE at all.
We don't. We can display our own toolbars, with our own buttons, with
our own icons and implementing our own logic. So the easiest solution to
the problem with irrelevant native UI is to not display it at all.

2. That we need any native architecture for commands.
We don't. What a command is? It's a name, function and a state+value
refreshed on selection change. A command repository can be implemented
in JavaScript in few lines of code. CKEditor has one (and I guess that
all advanced editors have), because it is a necessary component on which
we must have full control. What it does, when it does, how a command is
executed, what arguments it accepts, which commands are available for
specific editor instance, etc.

FWIW I completely agree with Piotr. We need to be thinking about primitives that are as low-level as possible. We don't need to have any built-in support for things like bolding. If it somehow turns out that farther down the line there is a common set of commands that might somehow benefit from getting the native treatment we should cross that bridge then, but the v1 of this project should IMHO really, really not do more than what's needed for a script to cleanly implement an arbitrary text editor.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

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