On Fri, 25 Jul 2014, at 14:34, Bruno Racineux wrote:
> Just took a peak at the latest spec [1], since Chrome Canary breaks my
> code
> made for the previous spec
> and I have to update to a dual screen.orientation object|string context
> (It
> was previously a string).
> Good to see the new 'natural' keyword and angles.
> 1. One minor comment on the "Best Practice 1" box for the phrase:
> "Never assume any kind of relationship between the screen orientation
> type
> and the screen orientation angle"
> "Any kind" seems too strong a statement, since there is a relationship
> between type and angle during the length of a browsing context/runtime as
> mentioned afterwards.
> I suggest adding a "permanent" relationship qualification and/or
> "cross-devices" dimension in that sentence.


> 2. I am noting that the definition 1 and 2 of "reading current screen
> orientation type" is going to require that IEMobile and iOS change the
> reporting of their current screen.width and screen.height to the correct
> orientation, and stop reporting portrait only. I suppose that's a good
> thing
> even if it might break a few scripts.

Do you mean that they do not update the screen.width and screen.height
when the screen rotates?

-- Mounir

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