Interesting. I’ve noticed that setBaseAndExtent is used on gMail. Does it work 
basically like a ‘setAnchorAndFocus’ would (Base/Anchor and Extent/Focus are 
the same when set with this API, correct)?

From: Julie Parent []
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 4:44 PM
To: Ben Peters
Cc: Ryosuke Niwa; James M. Greene; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [selection] Selection.setBaseAndExtent

For what its worth, we plan to remove base and extent from Blink/Chromium 
(  We've found that 
developers do not understand the difference between focus/anchor and 
base/extent, and since it is only supported by WebKit based browsers, it is not 
heavily used.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Ben Peters 
<<>> wrote:
I don’t understand the difference. setBaseAndExtent would then set all 4 of 
these properties of selection? Do you have a definition to use for this?

From: Ryosuke Niwa [<>]
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 12:43 PM
To: James M. Greene
Cc: Ben Peters; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [selection] Selection.setBaseAndExtent

Focus and anchor are different concepts from base and extent. While the former 
always coincide with start and end, base and extent may be different from those 

In particular, when a user selects text by double clicking on a word, base and 
extent stays at where the user had clicked while focus and anchor will extend 
to the beginning and the end of the word like start and end.

- R. Niwa

On Aug 5, 2014, at 4:58 PM, James M. Greene 
<<>> wrote:

For consistent terminology with the rest of the API, shouldn't it be 

    James Greene
    Sent from my [smart?]phone
On Aug 5, 2014 5:54 PM, "Ben Peters" 
<<>> wrote:
I have added proposed text to this bug. Any objections to this?

Proposed text, based on the text for collapse():

void setBaseAndExtent (Node baseNode, unsigned long baseOffset, Node 
extentNode, unsigned long extentOffset);

The method must throw an IndexSizeError exception if offset is negative or 
longer than node's length ([DOM4]). Otherwise, it must create a new range, set 
([DOM4]) its start to (baseNode, baseOffset) and its and end to (extentNode, 
extentOffset), and set the context object's range to the newly-created range.

From: Ben Peters
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:37 AM
To: Ben Peters; Ryosuke Niwa;<>
Subject: RE: [selection] Selection.setBaseAndExtent

I have filed a bug to track this issue [1].



From: Ben Peters []
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2014 11:28 PM
To: Ryosuke Niwa;<>
Subject: [selection] Selection.setBaseAndExtent

I noticed that some websites use selection.setBaseAndExtent [1]. According to 
what limited documentation I could find, it works similar to selection.extend. 
Is there any intention to standardize this, or is it made obsolete by 



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