02.09.2014, 10:55, "Anne van Kesteren" <ann...@annevk.nl>:
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:54 AM, Robert Hanson <hans...@stolaf.edu> wrote:
>>  I respectively request that the wording of the warning
>>  Warning: Developers must not pass false for the async argument when the
>>  JavaScript global environment is a document environment as it has
>>  detrimental effects to the end user's experience. User agents are strongly
>>  encouraged to warn about such usage in developer tools and may experiment
>>  with throwing a "InvalidAccessError" exception when it occurs so the feature
>>  can eventually be removed from the platform.
>> [change] to
>>  Note: Developers should not pass false for the async argument when the
>>  JavaScript global environment is a document environment as it has
>>  detrimental effects to the end user's experience. Developers are advised
>>  that passing false for the async argument may eventually be removed from the
>>  platform.
> Sorry. As with showModalDialog() we would really like to make this
> feature disappear. I realize this makes some forms of code generation
> harder, but hopefully you can find a way around that in time.

Perhaps we should set some sense of expectation about *when* it won't work. 
Different parts of the Web move on different timelines.

It may be simple to remove it from modern browsers, but this will simply 
motivate organisations who depend on a system that uses synch XHR to stop 
updating until they can find a way around. Understanding a bit better what 
happens in user-land would be very helpful, because giving people really good 
reasons to opt out of auto-upgrade and stick with the past is a bad idea...

> Synchronous networking on the UI thread is a no-go.

It's certainly an anti-pattern, given the thread constraints we have. But so is 
pushing big chunks of the real world to use old systems - because if they stop 
upgrading for one important problem, we revive the IE6 problem.

While I doubt we'll get a genuine flag day, it should be feasible to get a 
sense of who suffers from the change, and when we can "break the web" without 
causing too much serious fallout.

(My 2 kopecks)


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