
unable to seek a qualified answer via IRC or Web/spec, I decided to post my two beginner questions here.

1) Are form elements (input, select, textarea) inside a shadow dom considered when submitting a form?

2) I am having troubles with lifecycle callback of custom elements that are cloned from within a <template> element. More specifically, nor createdCallback nor attachedCallback are fired when an element in question is cloned from template.content or appended to an active document. Is this a specified behavior? How do I properly initialize custom elements that "live" inside a <template> ?

Thanks a lot,
Ondrej Zara

*RNDr. Ondřej Žára*
Programátor UI senior

ondrej.z...@firma.seznam.cz <mailto:ondrej.z...@firma.seznam.cz>

Seznam.cz, a.s., Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Praha 5 <http://mapy.cz/s/6rw4>

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