Notifications tend to be relatively unobtrusive and sit in a UA/OS-specific
notification tray, usually in a corner of the screen; what we're talking
about here (at least on mobile) would be launching a maximised (or possibly
fullscreen) browser window on top of whatever the user is currently doing.

This seems to either require a somewhat stronger trust signal from the
user, or a very easy mechanism for revoking the permission if the website
does spam you; and probably in either case showing the url bar should be
compulsory to prevent phishing. But this isn't something we've thought
about deeply yet.

On 2 October 2014 17:47, Martin Thomson <> wrote:

> On 2 October 2014 05:48, John Mellor <> wrote:
> > So I guess this is something we'll want to support eventually, but it's
> > blocked on coming up with clear UI for safely granting and revoking
> > permission to show popups from the background.
> Doesn't this already exist, at least in some form?  Gecko already has
> permissions management functions for "Show Notifications".

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