On 10/11/14 10:43 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
If you are an Editor and you did not register for the meeting please note:

a) If you can join the meeting via the teleconf bridge, please: 1) add your spec to the Potential Topics list and identify high priority discussion points; 2) plan to dial-in Monday morning (or let me know which open day + time slot you prefer to join the meeting).

b) If you cannot remotely participate in the meeting, please provide a short status of your spec, including any major blocking issues as well as general plans and expectations for the next six months (including publications plans). Please start a separate thread and use your spec's short name as the Subject: prefix (f.ex. "[html-imports] Oct 2014 status report and plans").

Here is the list of specs whose Editor(s) did not register for the meeting (if I made any mistakes, I apologize in advance, but please do let me know):

* Streams: Domenic, Takeshi, Feras; status and plans for spec layering; relationship to TC-39 efforts.

Domenic, Takeshi, Feras,

I think recent threads about Streams provided some useful information about the status and plans for Streams. I also think it could be useful if some set of you were available to answer questions raised at the meeting. Can any of you commit some time to be available? If so, please let me know some time slots you are available. My preference is Monday morning, if possible.

-Thanks, Art

[Agenda] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/November2014Meeting

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