On 23 October 2014 04:10, John Mellor <joh...@google.com> wrote:
> Can you elaborate? This would attach no penalty to developers who don't opt
> in (at the one time cost of an additional permission prompt); and as I
> explained above, developers who do opt in would indeed be incentivized to
> always show user-visible UI. Are you concerned that this is not the right
> thing to be incentivising?

Yes, it increases the cost in terms of battery consumption and user
annoyance for push messages.  Both of which we strive to minimize.
You might claim that the app needs to take responsibility for this,
but I'm less certain.  It means that important features that provide
these measures (do not disturb, more contextual event filtering) are
not available to applications by default.

I'd like to find better ways of dealing with this problem.  This
approach seems like more of a cop-out to me.  I'm seriously
jet-lagged, so only two ideas spring to mind, I'm sure you can find
some more if you set your mind to it: Usage budgets might be applied
to various resources, after which a SW is activated less often.  Or
good accounting and reporting (see various activity monitors on
different operating systems that account for all sorts of resource
usage, or you could generate simple notifications like: "this app is
burning your battery/network, turn it off?")

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