On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 7:28 AM, Gabor  Krizsanits
<gkrizsan...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> During our last meeting we all seemed to agree on that defining/implementing
> order for style-sheets is imports is super hard (if possible) and will bring 
> more
> pain than it's worth for the web (aka. let's not make an already 
> over-complicated
> system twice as complicated for very little benefits). And the consensus was 
> that we
> should just not allow global styles in imports.
> Some months has passed but I still don't see any update on the spec. in this 
> regard,
> so I'm just double checking that we still planning to do this or if anything 
> changed
> since then.

Out of curiosity, why is it hard?  Without much background in the
implementation matters, it doesn't seem that a <link rel=import> that
contains a <link rel=stylesheet> should be any different than a <link
rel=stylesheet> that contains an @import rule.


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