
> So there is no way for an unsigned script to exploit security holes in a
> signed script?
Of course there's a way. But by the same token, there's a way a signed
script can exploit security holes in another signed script. Signing itself
doesn't establish any trust, or security.

Yup, that's also what I meant. Signing does not imply secure, but to the
average non-technical user a "signed app from a trusted party" may convey
both trust and security, so they wouldn't think twice about installing such
a script even if it asked for some powerful permissions that can be
exploited by another script.


> Funny you mention crypto currencies as an idea to get inspiration
> from..."Trust but verify" is detached from that... a browser can monitor
> what the signed scripts are doing and if it detects a potentially malicious
> pattern it can halt the execution of the script and let the user decide if
> they want to continue...
That's not working for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that
identifying what a piece of software does intelligently is one of those
really hard problems. As in Strong-AI hard.

Well, the user can setup the rules of what is considered a malicious action
and that there would be ready made configurations (best practices codified
in config) that would be the default in the browser. And then they can
exempt certain scripts.

I realize this is an open ended problem and no solution is going to address
it 100% ... It's the nature of open systems to be open to attacks but it's
how the system deals with the attack that differentiates it. It's a wide
open area of research I think, or should be.

But do we want a security model that's not extensible and not flexible? The
answer is most likely NO.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Florian Bösch <pya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Marc Fawzi <marc.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So there is no way for an unsigned script to exploit security holes in a
>> signed script?
> Of course there's a way. But by the same token, there's a way a signed
> script can exploit security holes in another signed script. Signing itself
> doesn't establish any trust, or security.
>> Funny you mention crypto currencies as an idea to get inspiration
>> from..."Trust but verify" is detached from that... a browser can monitor
>> what the signed scripts are doing and if it detects a potentially malicious
>> pattern it can halt the execution of the script and let the user decide if
>> they want to continue...
> That's not working for a variety of reasons. The first reason is that
> identifying what a piece of software does intelligently is one of those
> really hard problems. As in Strong-AI hard. Failing that, you can monitor
> what APIs a piece of software makes use of, and restrict access to those.
> However, that's already satisfied without signing by sandboxing.
> Furthermore, it doesn't entirely solve the problem as any android user will
> know. You get a ginormeous list of premissions a given piece of software
> would like to use and the user just clicks "yes". Alternatively, you get
> malware that's not trustworthy, that nobody managed to properly review,
> because the non trusty part was burried/hidden by the author somewhere deep
> down, to activate only long after trust extension by fiat has happened.
> But even if you'd assume that this somehow would be an acceptable model,
> what do you define as "malicious"? Reformatting your machine would be
> malicious, but so would be posting on your facebook wall. What constitutes
> a malicious pattern is actually more of a social than a technical problem.

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