OK, so I've thought about this a lot, and there was some discussion on an 
unfortunately-TC39-private thread that I want to put out in the open. In [1] I 
outlined some initial thoughts, but that was actually a thread on a different 
topic, and my thinking has evolved.
[1]: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2015JanMar/0035.html

I was writing up my ideas in an email but it kind of snowballed into something 
bigger so now it's a repo: https://github.com/domenic/element-constructors

One primary concern of mine is the one you mention:

> whether it is acceptable to have an element whose name is "a", namespace is 
> the HTML namespace, and interface is Element

I do not really think this is acceptable, and furthermore I think it is 

In the private thread Boris suggested a design where you can do `new 
Element(localName, namespace, prefix)`. This seems necessary to explain how 
`createElementNS` works, so we do want that. He also suggested the following 

1.  The localName and namespace of an element determine its set of internal 
2.  The return value of `new Foo` has `Foo.prototype` as the prototype.

I agree we should preserve these invariants, but added a few more to do with 
keeping the existing (localName, namespace) <-> constructor links solid.

I've outlined the added invariants in the readme of the above repo. Other 
points of interest:

- Explainer for a very-recently-agreed-upon ES6 feature that helps support the 
- Jump straight to the code: 
- Jump straight to the examples of what works and what doesn't: 

One ugly point of my design is that the constructor signature is `new 
Element(localName, document, namespace, prefix)`, i.e. I require the document 
to be passed in. I am not sure this is necessary but am playing it safe until 
someone with better understanding tells me one way or the other. See 
https://github.com/domenic/element-constructors/issues/1 for that discussion.


As for how this applies to custom elements, in the private thread Boris asked: 

> what is the use case for producing something that extends HTMLImageElement 
> (and presumably has its internal slots?) but doesn't have "img" as the tag 
> name and hence will not have anything ever look at those internal slots?

Elsehwere on this thread or some related one IIRC he pointed out code that 
looks at the local name, finds "img", and casts to the C++ backing 
representation of HTMLImageElement. So from what I am gathering in his view the 
parts of the platform that treat <img> elements specially currently work by 
checking explicitly that something has local name "img" (and HTML namespace).

From a naïve authoring point of view that seems suboptimal. I'd rather be able 
to do `class MyImg extends HTMLImageElement { constructor(document) { 
super(document); } }` and have MyImg instances treated specially by the 
platform in all the ways "img" currently is.

Or, for an easier example, I'd like to be able to do `class MyQ extends 
HTMLQuoteElement { constructor(document) { super(document); } }` and have `(new 
MyQ()).cite` actually work, instead of throw a "cite getter incompatible with 
MyQ" error because I didn't get the HTMLQuoteElement internal slots.

The logical extension of this, then, is that if after that 
`document.registerElement` call I do `document.body.innerHTML = <my-q 
cite="foo">blah</my-q>` I'd really like to see 
`document.querySelector("my-q").cite` return `"foo"`.

However this idea that we'd like custom elements which inherit from existing 
elements to have their internal slots ties in to the whole upgrading mess, 
which seems quite hard to work around. So maybe it is not a good idea? On the 
other hand upgrading might be borked no matter what, i.e. it might not be 
possible at all to make upgraded elements behave anything like 
parsed-from-scratch elements. (I am planning to think harder about the 
upgrading problem but I am not hopeful.)

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