* Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
>Shadow DOM and Web Components seem to have what I call the "Unicorn
>Syndrome". There's a set of specs that works, proven by at least one
>browser implementation and the use in the wild. It's got warts
>(compromises) and some of those warts are quite ugly. Those warts weren't
>there in the beginning -- they are a result of a hard, multi-year slog of
>trying to make a complete system that doesn't fall over in edge cases, and
>compromising. A lot.
>So there's a temptation to make new proposals (unicorns) that are
>wart-free, but incomplete or not well-thought-out. Don't get me wrong. I
>like new ideas. What I would like to avoid is judging a workhorse against a
>unicorn. Armed with your imagination, unicorn will always win.

There has never been much of a consensus on the problems that need to be
solved, so it is not really surprising that a consensus-solution is not
forthcoming; instead we have continous scope creep and eternal delays.
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:bjo...@hoehrmann.de · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
D-10243 Berlin · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · http://www.bjoernsworld.de
 Available for hire in Berlin (early 2015)  · http://www.websitedev.de/ 

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