Hi All,
A new Working Draft publication of IME API is planned for April 9 using
the following version as the basis:
If anyone has any major concerns about this, please reply right away.
A few notes about this spec:
* Travis is now the sole Editor of this spec. Many thanks to Travis for
agreeing to take the lead and to the previous Editors Takayoshi Kochi,
Kenji Baheux and Hironori Bono.
* This spec is now using Github <https://github.com/w3c/ime-api/> and
the ED is <http://w3c.github.io/ime-api/Overview.html>.
* The permissions of the spec's now obsolete Hg repository will be set
to read-only. The spec's Bugzilla component will be marked `Historical`
and set to read-only and all open bugs will be closed after they are
copied as Github issues.
-Thanks, ArtB