On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:
> Has at-end-of-microtask been debated rather than 1/2? Synchronous
> always has the downside that the developer has to deal with
> reentrancy.

1/2 are triggered by the component author. Synchronous just means that
they run within the main global when the component author wants them
to. So effectively timing depends on what tools the component author
has. I have tried to argue they should use mutation observers and
thereby effectively get microtask timing, but changing a bunch of
layout APIs to be asynchronous is a tricky thing. We've also discussed
introducing nanotask mutation observers giving you callbacks at the
end of method calls. They would not require reworking layout APIs, but
would require introducing such a nanotask mutation observer API.

And the performance of nanotasks might not be great if you make lots
of mutations that require distribution. (Not tested though.)


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