That sounds good to me (working the UI challenges for IME together with 
grammar/spell checking). Is this a direction the current IME spec could 
take--possibly with a big refactor to consider dropping the ClientRect 
exposure--or would it be better to publish as Note the current approach and 
start a new spec?

Perhaps it doesn't really matter as the above is a process question, and what 
is really needed is someone to start suggesting some concrete proposals 
here--I've been pretty much ignoring this spec for the past year, and I don't 
see that changing in the near future. It's still something I'd like to see 
moved forward, I just don't believe I have the time to move it substantially 
forward at the present moment :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryosuke Niwa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 7:00 PM
To: Travis Leithead
Cc: Arthur Barstow; public-webapps
Subject: Re: [ime-api] [blink-dev] Removing IME API code from Blink

> On May 27, 2015, at 11:46 AM, Travis Leithead <> 
> wrote:
> I believed the use-cases for avoiding UI clashes between site-driven 
> auto-complete lists and IME auto-complete boxes is still a valid use case, 
> and I think the spec is still valid to try to push to recommendation. 
> However, I'd also like to follow up on usage of the ms- prefixed API so that 
> I can get an idea of what its real usage is.

I agree avoiding UI clashes between auto-completions of IME and web page is a 
great use case but I'm not convinced that exposing ClientRect for IME is the 
right API as many Web developers aren't even aware of UI challenges IME 
imposes. For example, a similar UI challenge emerges when dealing with 
auto-corrections in grammar/spell checking features as well.  It would be ideal 
if IME and spell/grammar corrections are handled in a similar manner so that 
Web apps supporting either feature will "just work" with both features.

- R. Niwa

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