>     Invoke Run Service Worker algorithm with serviceWorker as the arguement 
> [sic].
> Fetch invokes Handle Fetch with request. As a result of performing Handle 
> Fetch, the Service Woker [sic] returns a response to Fetch.
>    If the client request is under the scope of a service worker registration, 
> appplication [sic] cache is completely bypassed regardless of whether the 
> client request uses the service worker registration.

> Events that correspond to network requests are dispatched to the worker and 
> the responses generated by the worker may over-ride* default network stack 
> behavior.


>        Let the origin attribute of e be initialized to the Unicode 
> serialisation* of the origin specified by the incumbent settings object.
> Service workers define the following behaviours* for install event and 
> activate event:

> When a service worker client is controlled by an active worker, it is 
> considered the service worker client is using the active worker's containing 
> service worker registration.

this is awkward, you might add `that` after `it is`

> This is conceptually the same operation that UA does maximum once per every 
> 24 hours.

this is awkward, you might add `the` before `UA`, `a` after `does` and
`of` before `once`.

> Run the following substeps in parallel:
> 1. CheckRegistration: If the result of running Match Service Worker 
> Registration algorithm, or its equivalent, with clientURL as its argument is 
> not null, then:
> 1.1. Set registration to the result value.
> 2. Else:

Else seems odd for ` parallel`

> 2.1. Wait until scope to registration map has a new entry.
> 2.2. Jump to the step labeled CheckRegistration.

cat spec|grep 'in parallel' | perl -pne 's/\s*,.*,\s*/ ... /;s/.*(
run)/$1/;s/(the ).*( handler)/$1...$2/;s/^\s*/> /'|sort|uniq -c|sort
-n|perl -pne 's/(?:\s*)(\d*)\s*(.*)\n/$2 [$1]\n/'
> Return the ... handler ... performs the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Return the ... handler that performs the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Run the following in parallel: [1]
> Set p to the ... handler that ... performs the following substeps in 
> parallel: [1]
> run the following substeps in parallel: [1]
> Return the ... handler that ... performs the following substeps in parallel: 
> [4]
> run the following substeps in parallel. [4]
> Run these steps in parallel: [7]
> Run the following substeps in parallel: [10]

* you use <steps|substeps> interchangeably afaict; you sometimes don't
use *steps...
* you use <.|:> interchangeably
* various other inconsistent stylistic elements can be seen from the
above list...
* in parallel isn't defined, but it sounds like you mean "in parallel
to the main sequence" not "in parallel to themselves", I'd strongly
encourage a definition.

> The following are the event handlers (and its corresponding event handler 
> event types) that must be supported,

event handlers [plural!] (and its ...)
its => their

> The service worker registration's installing worker changes. (See step 8 of 
> the Install algorithm).
> A WindowClient object has an associated focus state, which is either true or 
> false. (Initially false).

misplaced `.`

> When event.respondWith(r) method is invoked, the argument, r, must resolve 
> with a Response, else a network error is returned to Fetch.

`must .. else` is an odd construct. normally `or` is appropriate...

> The Cache objects do not expire unless authors delete the entries.

`objects ... the entries` is odd

the entries => them | objects => object entries ??

> This implies that authors should version their caches by name and make sure 
> to **use the caches only from the version of the service worker that can 
> safely operate on**.

... => to only use caches that can be safely operated by the current
version of the service worker.

> Cache objects are always enumerable via self.caches in insertion order (per 
> ECMAScript 6 Map objects.)
> Resolve p with the result of running the algorithm specified in 
> match(request, options) method of Cache interface with request and options as 
> the arguments (providing entry.[[value]] as thisArgument to the [[Call]] 
> internal method of match(request, options).)

misplaced `.` (the other way...)

> If r's method is neither `GET` nor `HEAD` and options.ignoreMethod is false, 
> resolve promise with an empty array.
> If options.ignoreMethod is false and request.method is neither "GET" nor 
> "HEAD", then:

you usually use ``s instead of ""s around GET/HEAD, which I found
weird, but here you didn't do that, which I find even weirder...

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