On 9/18/15 2:22 AM, Jungkee Song wrote:
Hi all,

We editors are happy to announce that we make a new branch for Service
Workers 1 today [1].

Thanks to all the contributions, Service Workers 1 now covers the
fundamental model and the associated APIs to support offline-first and
background processing requirements. The features in this version include:
  - Register/Update/Unregister of a service worker registration
  - Handle fetch events
  - Fetch and Cache resources
  - Manage service worker clients
  - Communicate between a client and a service worker
  - Define interfaces and algorithms for extensions (Push, Notification,
([2] is the remaining issues for this version in the github issue tracker.)

On top of the above work, the contributors are now ready to continue with
the discussions about new features including foreign fetch [3], fetch
event's request's client, header-based installation, kill-switch, and so
forth. These efforts will be put in Service Workers Nightly [4] which is
just a new name for the original ED branch.

We are planning to publish a CR based on Service Workers 1 soon during which
we would like to focus on stabilizing the features (bug fix) and resolving
compatibility issues among multiple implementations.

Hi Jungkee, All,

Thanks for this update!

Regarding the publishing plan above, the latest process document includes an expectation that before a CR is published the spec "has already received wide review" [1]. Although the group is free to determine the wide review "requirements" (see [2]), it can be useful to publish a new WD and use that WD as the basis of the wide review. It would also be possible to use an ED (perhaps a static snapshot) as the basis for the review. There is also a question about which group(s) we explicitly want to ask to review the spec.

What are your thoughts on the document (WD vs. ED snapshot) to use as the review?

Which groups do we ask to review? I presume at least TAG and Web Mobile IG. Are there others?

-Thanks, AB

[1] <http://www.w3.org/2015/Process-20150901/#maturity-levels>
[2] <http://www.w3.org/2015/Process-20150901/#wide-review>

For editors,

[1] https://slightlyoff.github.io/ServiceWorker/spec/service_worker_1/
[3] https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker/issues/684
[4] https://slightlyoff.github.io/ServiceWorker/spec/service_worker/

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