Hi, Tab–

Thanks for the correction. I assumed that Houdini would expose more of the underpinnings of the ::selection pseudo-element [1] and its ilk. Maybe that hasn't surfaced (and maybe it won't). It does seem to be more magic, though, which I'd thought we were trying to demystify.

But if there's no good story in Shadow DOM for things that explicitly deal with Range, I think that needs a solution.

FWIW, JavaScript source-maps can comfortably deal with a similar problem, with minified/cached versions of multiple source documents (though I guess not multiple instantiations of the same source document). Still, I'd expect there's a non-terrible solution for serializing and expanding Shadow DOMs and pinpointing specific instantiations.

(This makes me wonder how Shadow DOM is dealing with accessibility APIs; I'm assuming there's a good story there, and maybe something we can draw upon.)

[1] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-pseudo-4/#highlight-selectors


On 10/6/15 6:38 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Doug Schepers <schep...@w3.org> wrote:
Hi, Eliott–

Good question.

I don't have a great answer yet, but this is something that will need to be
worked out with Shadow DOM, not just for this spec, but for Selection API
and others, as well as to CSS, which has some Range-like styling.

CSS doesn't care about this, because it doesn't expose its selections
to the wider DOM; it can freely style whatever it wants, including
ranges that span into shadows.

This is indeed equivalent to the problem that the generic Selection
API has with Shadow DOM, tho.


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