On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Chaals McCathie Nevile
<cha...@yandex-team.ru> wrote:
> Our proposal is to look for a host on 15 December on the West Coast, for a
> meeting primarily focused on Shadow DOM, and another on 29 January in the
> Bay area for one around Custom Elements. The agenda can be adjusted to take
> account of people who are unable to travel for both of these, moving items
> from one to the other if necessary, since *many* but *not all* people are
> interested in both topics.

As mentioned before, I and others from Mozilla not in the US are
unlikely to make December 15. There's a big Mozilla event the entire
week before and I doubt folks want to keep trucking. But given how far
along Shadow DOM is perhaps attendance is not important. After all,
Hayato Ito stressed in an earlier email that to make the meeting
worthwhile we'd need some new proposals to address the quite hard
outstanding problems and I haven't seen any of those thus far.


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