> On Jan 29, 2016, at 00:45, Chaals McCathie Nevile <cha...@yandex-team.ru> 
> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> as you may have noticed, Art has resigned as a co-chair of the Web Platform 
> group. He began chairing the Web Application Formats group about a decade 
> ago, became the leading co-chair when it merged with Web APIs to become the 
> Web Apps working group, and was instrumental in making the transition from 
> Web Apps to the Web Platform Group. (He also chaired various other W3C groups 
> in that time).
> I've been very privileged to work with Art on the webapps group for so many 
> years - as many of you know, without him it would have been a much poorer 
> group, and run much less smoothly. He did a great deal of work for the group 
> throughout his time as co-chair, efficiently, reliably, and quietly.
> Now we are three co-chairs, we will work between us to fill Art's shoes. It 
> won't be easy.
> Thanks Art for everything you've done for the group for so long.
> Good luck, and I hope to see you around.

Likewise, Art - you will be missed. It was a true pleasure working with you 
over the years.


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