Hi John,

John Schulz <jsch...@twitter.com>, 2016-02-23 11:04 -0800:
> Archived-At: 
> <http://www.w3.org/mid/CADSq=V7KnWjrmBEVmHTUo_9sVfjV3_pOQ55903WBXyjJ=4f...@mail.gmail.com>
> Hello WP,
> My name is John Schulz and I recently joined the Web Platform Working Group.
> I'm a software engineer at Twitter, where I've worked on prototyping tools,
> analytics, and the soon to be released update of mobile.twitter.com. I am
> now focused on performance tooling/improvements throughout the stack.
> I've been doing Web development professionally since 1999 so there's a lot
> of ground to cover, but I enjoy async/distributed architectures,
> performance, animations, and generally improving the experience for
> developers and end-users.
> Thank you for reading this, and for the opportunity. I look forward to
> meeting and working with you all.

Welcome! Are there some particular deliverables in the group that you’re
especially interested in? Just curious to hear your thoughts on which align
well with the problems you’re trying to solve in your own development and
the specific user needs/priorities you’re working to address.


Michael[tm] Smith https://people.w3.org/mike

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