Google votes Yes to ballot FORUM-10

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 11:27 AM Jos Purvis (jopurvis) via Public <> wrote:

> The following ballot is proposed by Jos Purvis of Cisco, endorsed by Wayne
> Thayer of Mozilla and Ben Wilson of DigiCert. Voting begins at *2100 UTC
> 30 September 2019* and runs through *2100 UTC 7 October 2019*.
> *Ballot Forum-10: Re-charter Forum Infrastructure Work*
> *Overview*
> The Forum Infrastructure Working Group (FIWG) was chartered during a
> period when the CABF Bylaws did not permit for the creation of
> subcommittees at the Forum level (only under a particular Working Group).
> Since the work the FIWG needed to undertake was pressing and covered the
> needs of the Forum as a whole, it was chartered as a Working Group to
> permit this work to begin under the existing Bylaws.
> With the completion of the recent Bylaws changes, subcommittees may now be
> constructed at the Forum level. In addition, the recent changes to Bylaws
> and membership have identified a hole by which membership in the FIWG could
> be used to “back-door” membership in the Forum as a whole, an unintended
> consequence worth squashing.
> This ballot, therefore, lays down the existing FIWG and immediately
> re-charters a Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee to continue its work.
> *Gory Details*
> 24 hours after this ballot passes the following will occur:
> 1.       The existing Forum Infrastructure Working Group will be
> dissolved per the Bylaws section 5.3.2 item 3.
> 2.      A new Infrastructure Subcommittee will be chartered under the
> CA/B Forum, per the Bylaws section 5.6, with the Charter of that
> Subcommittee as described below.
> 3.      The existing mailing list for the FIWG will be repurposed for the
> use of the Subcommittee, following an announcement to that end on the
> existing FIWG mailer.
> 4.      The existing wiki pages from the FIWG will be archived, and a new
> space created for the Subcommittee's use under the main Forum namespace.
> *Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee (FIS) Charter*
> *Scope* - The authorized scope of the Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee
> shall be as follows:
> ·         To oversee the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of the
> common CA/Browser Forum website and wiki resources;
> ·         To coordinate updates to public and Forum-facing web and wiki
> content in support of the Forum Webmaster role established in the Bylaws;
> ·         To create and manage the division of access and content spaces
> required to help ensure the separation of the work of various Working
> Groups and accompanying IP commitments, as described in the Forum’s IPR
> Policy;
> ·         To manage the technical means of production of guidelines and
> other documents produced by the Forum's subcommittees;
> ·         To manage the Forum-level email lists and to offer management
> of working-group and subcommittee mailing lists as needed in support of the
> Forum List Manager role established in the Bylaws;
> ·         To perform other activities ancillary to the primary activities
> listed above.
> *End Date* - This Subcommittee shall continue until it is dissolved by a
> vote of the CA/B Forum.
> *Deliverables* - The Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee shall be
> responsible for delivering wiki and mailing list services to the Forum on
> an ongoing basis, and supplying access to these and to the management tools
> for these as is appropriate and required by the Forum. The subcommittee
> shall not propose any changes to the Bylaws or IPR agreements itself: where
> issues with these are identified, they may be redirected to the Forum as a
> whole or to appropriate subcommittees or working groups for further
> consideration.
> *Participation* - Any member of the CAB Forum is eligible and may declare
> their participation in the Forum Infrastructure Subcommittee by requesting
> to be added to the mailing list.
> *Chair* - Jos Purvis shall be the initial Chair of the Forum
> Infrastructure Subcommittee. The Chair shall not have a fixed term, but the
> Subcommittee may change its Chair from time to time by consensus of the
> Members participating in the Subcommittee or by voting method chosen by the
> Members by consensus.
> *Communication* - Subcommittee communications and documents shall be
> posted on mailing-lists where the mail-archives are publicly accessible,
> and the Subcommittee shall publish minutes of its meetings to the Forum
> wiki.
> *Effect of Forum Bylaws Amendment for Subcommittees* - In the event the
> Forum Bylaws are amended to add or modify general rules governing Forum
> Subcommittees and how they operate (“General Rules”), the provisions of the
> General Rules shall take precedence over this charter.
> *Key Dates*
> *Ballot Discussion Begins*
> 20 Sept 2019 21:00 UTC
> *Ballot Discussion Concludes*
> 27 Sept 2019 21:00 UTC
> *Ballot Vote Begins*
> 30 Sept 2019 21:00 UTC
> *Ballot Vote Ends*
> 7 Oct 2019 21:00 UTC
> --
> Jos Purvis (
> .:|:.:|:. cisco systems  | Cryptographic Services
> PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105  | +1 919.991.9114 <(919)%20991-9114> (desk)
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