During the last pulp3 MVP review, a terminology question was raised regarding 
"associating" content with a
repository.  And more specifically "unassociating" vs "disassociate" content.  
I took an action item to define
those terms in the Glossary section of the MVP wiki[1] which I did.  I added 
definitions along with a brief
definition of a Repository.  After doing so, it occurred to me that given a 
repository is a collection of
content, we may want to drop the associate, unassociate|disassociate 
terminology and just go with what we
really mean.

"Associate" replaced with "Add content to a repository".


"Unassociate"|"Disassociate" replaced with "Removing content from a repository".

An example use case would read:

"As a user, I want to add content to a repository."

These terms come from the first days of pulp and I understand the original 
intent to distinguish between
creating new content and adding to a repository.  I'm just thinking the 
distinction may be obvious and
intuitive and additional terms (that need explanation) are not necessary.


[1] https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp/wiki/Pulp_3_Minimum_Viable_Product

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