On 06/14/2018 08:08 AM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
Jeff, can you elaborate more on your -1. I want to understand it. I'm struggling to appreciate an "it's a convention" argument without sources like an RFC or similar. I don't believe internet articles are credible sources because any viewpoint can be validated by an internet post.

RFCs typically define standards not conventions. Agreed on internet articles being available to support most any viewpoint. FWIW, I didn't introduce the aforementioned article.  Conventions are typically establish through example.  IMHO, most articles, tutorials, textbooks, etc use ID (or TABLE_ID) for the primary key. Also, this convention has been applied on /every/ project I have worked on.

To recap my interests here, it's about being responsive to the community. We ask plugin writers for feedback and from two independent plugin writers (not me) we received feedback that this name wasn't ideal. I want us to be responsive to that. It's not only because I think their technical feedback is legit (albeit small), but also because it's our strategy during the beta/RC of Pulp3 core is to make adjustments based on plugin writer feedback. To receive feedback and choose to not follow the recommendation they suggested feels like not the way I want to interact with plugin writers. This is my main concern with not making a change in this area.

I am sensitive to plugin writer requests but changing the name of the primary key field for every table in the core because 2 plugin writers said that it "wasn't ideal" seems rash.  I'm not convinced that this is a correctness concern but rather a minor inconvenience for what seems like (so far) a small percentage of plugins.  Plugin writers will always need to contend with naming conflicts and I believe the plugin is the proper place to resolve them.  I also want to be responsive to feedback but I think it's reasonable for the answer to be "no" when the request is not in the best interest of the project as a whole.

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