Some of the Pulp devs involved in the gap analysis put together this
roundup of the gap problem statements [0]. I've scheduled two calls so that
we can go over the problem statements to ensure a shared understanding, and
think of some possible resolutions. My intention for the calls is to
generate ideas and not decide on them. Final decisions and written recaps
will be sent to the list for additional input.

June 22nd: noon - 1pm UTC             <----
June 29th: 12:30pm - 1:30pm UTC       <----


We'll send a round-up of the best options that come out of the call to the
list for discussion in roughly two weeks. Thank you to everyone who has
collaborated throughout this process so far!


On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 3:37 PM, Brian Bouterse <> wrote:

> # Update
> The Katello/Pulp gap analysis mini-group met for the final time today.
> Here is the full gap analysis notes documenting how Katello interacts with
> Pulp[0]. There are sections labeled GAP which are specific gaps.
> # Next steps
> Early next week, the pulp devs involved in the gap analysis will produce a
> list of problem statements and send that to pulp-dev. After that hopefully
> all core developers can join one or two calls to solidify our understanding
> of the problem and discuss options to resolve them.
> [0]:
> apAnalysis
> -Brian
> On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 6:19 PM, Brian Bouterse <>
> wrote:
>> Today 4 Pulp devs and 2 Katello devs* met, and we produced this page in
>> the katello wiki:
>> /projects/katello/wiki/PulpV3GapAnalysis
>> It includes a section for each part of the Katello UI that involves Pulp
>> in any way. Some sections will be large, some small, which makes makes
>> putting dates on topics challenging. We are going top-to-bottom through
>> this doc, so you can see the order at least. Next time (thursday) we're
>> trying to wrap up the 'Products' page of Katello. I'm told it's the largest
>> of them all. Based on what I've seen so far and the total number of pages
>> I've seen, we'll have 6 -8 meetings total. With two meetings / week that
>> would wrap this up around June 7 or 14th.
>> If anyone does specifically want to join, let jsherrill (cc'd) know; it's
>> his call bridge. We are meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12pm - 1pm EDT
>> (4pm - 5pm UTC). All content updates will post to the wiki. Any input or
>> questions via the list are welcome also.
>> Specifically where we need help from other Pulp contributors is in
>> answering how Pulp3 could resolve gaps discovered through this process.
>> These gaps are cases where Pulp3 currently can't support Katello's existing
>> workflows. We'll bring back a list of these gap areas to this list once we
>> get a bit further through this process.
>> *: jsherrill, paji, daviddavis, ttereshc, dkliban, bmbouter
>> -Brian
>> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 3:43 PM, Robin Chan <> wrote:
>>> +1 to the schedule - we have folks who will likely head up different
>>> efforts and we will want them to participate.
>>> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 3:32 PM, Brian Bouterse <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Today @dkliban, @daviddavis, and I met with two Katello developers,
>>>> @jsherrill and @paji, to talk through some of the integration of Katello
>>>> and Pulp3. Here is a recap of what we discussed, a goal we identified, and
>>>> next steps.
>>>> # What we discussed
>>>> We went through Katello's UI and learned about:
>>>> - the various filtering needs of Katello. Pulp is pretty well setup to
>>>> do this already. I say filtering because the value is being matched,
>>>> compared, substring matched, etc for a specific field. They need to filter
>>>> by a group of repositories. For example, show me all RPM packages that are
>>>> in repositories X, Y, and Z as one filter. Similarly show me all RPM
>>>> packages that are in repository versions W, Q, T.
>>>> - full text search. Katello needs to be able to search for a term,
>>>> full-text style across some set of tables. Pulp does not have this
>>>> currently. It would be limited to some tables; knowing which tables need to
>>>> be searched would always be known.
>>>> - "groups of repos". Katello subscribes a machine to a "set of repos"
>>>> all of which Katello treats as one thing. This allows the client to stay
>>>> subscribed to one set of content which makes repo protection easier because
>>>> you don't have to change certs constantly. Then the content in those repos
>>>> is what changes. This means when Katello does something it typically
>>>> involves that same operation for a group of repos.
>>>> - applicability. There are calculations that Katello has done above and
>>>> beyond Pulp even in Pulp2. Pulp should be able to run all calculations that
>>>> Katello needs to avoid them having to reindex the content to run those same
>>>> calculations.
>>>> # A goal identified
>>>> To move work into Pulp such that Katello never needs to reindex Pulp's
>>>> content.
>>>> # Next Steps
>>>> We're going to map out the existing Katello application page-by-page
>>>> and capture use cases for each. We will do this over a series of meetings,
>>>> two-per week. At our next meeting we are outlining a schedule of all the
>>>> pages.
>>>> For each item we will outline a very-brief technical plan (a few words)
>>>> of the steps katello will take when interacting with Pulp for each. We will
>>>> also clearly sort use cases into those that have all the necessary Pulp
>>>> parts already in place and those that Pulp cannot yet fulfill.
>>>> Our next report will contain the list of topics with a proposed
>>>> schedule of the first few and what they will cover. This will likely live
>>>> on the wiki.
>>>> Comments, ideas, discussion, concerns, etc are all welcome.
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