Thanks for the updates on the installer.

I want to give some updates on other features. We have a milestone for an
initial release of the RPM plugin[0] that we’re hoping to wrap up by the
end of Sprint 42 on September 14, 2018.

Also, a miniteam is meeting up next week to work on user stories for the
Content Protection feature. We’ll send those out to pulp-dev for feedback
but we should have a good idea of the scope and also, a timeline.



On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 12:04 PM Robin Chan <> wrote:

> We have confirmed that deadline is not likely and are a bit stuck with
> good options on getting this feature reigned in at the moment.
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Ina Panova <> wrote:
>> Did we identify and confirm that the mentioned deadline is feasible? Or
>> in order to complete this on time installer team members need to share the
>> workload and commitment?
>> --------
>> Regards,
>> Ina Panova
>> Software Engineer| Pulp| Red Hat Inc.
>> "Do not go where the path may lead,
>>  go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 11:35 PM, Brian Bouterse <>
>> wrote:
>>> That all sounds great.
>>> re: the installer. pulp_ansible as a plugin in particular is blocked on
>>> the installer work, so I want to identify the timeline needs there. We're
>>> marketing pulp_ansible at AnsibleFest starting Oct 2, and we need to have
>>> the installer be ready for users then. Additionally we have to get the
>>> installer's roles hosted on Galaxy by then, test using it from Galaxy, work
>>> out any issues we find, rewrite the pulp_ansible install docs to recommend
>>> the installer, and make instructional content around after that (blogs,
>>> demos, etc). @daviddavis and I think that's going to take about 3 weeks of
>>> effort, which means we really need the installer with all it's feature and
>>> documentation by Sept 7th. We've mentioned this during some calls, but I
>>> wanted to outline the need more here.
>>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:14 PM, David Davis <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Last week we met and discussed a release candidate (RC) milestone for
>>>> Pulp 3.0. Here are the high level components we identified as being part of
>>>> this RC milestone. I’ve also put down a feature shepherd for each (more on
>>>> this below).
>>>> Core
>>>> - Ansible Installer - @asmacdo
>>>> - Lazy sync - @bmbouter/@dawalker
>>>> - Katello P1 items - @daviddavis (or another volunteer)
>>>> - Content Protection - @jortel
>>>> Other deliverables
>>>> - Supported Bindings - @dkliban
>>>> - Pulp 3 RPM Plugin Beta - @ttereshc
>>>> - Pulp 3 Docker Plugins Beta - @ipanova
>>>> In the next two weeks, I think we should create roadmaps of the
>>>> remaining stories for each of these items. This should also ideally include
>>>> a rough timeline or estimate of when the work can be completed. I'm
>>>> imagining that each team can handle this and work with @rchan to discuss
>>>> any staffing needs/assumptions.
>>>> Secondly, during our Monday team meetings I’d propose we have brief
>>>> weekly check-ins on the status of each feature until we reach our RC
>>>> milestone. Each feature shepherd could provide a short, 1-2 min update on
>>>> their component's status. I think this will help us remain focused on
>>>> getting to an RC release without taking up too much time.
>>>> Lastly, I am planning on getting the remaining Katello P1 items groomed
>>>> and added to the next sprint (unless someone else wants to handle this
>>>> work, let me know).
>>>> As always, feedback is welcome. Thank you.
>>>> David
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