On 8/20/19 12:17 PM, Brian Bouterse wrote:
Recently with pulp_ansible, users were interested in using pagination with LimitOffsetPagination [0]. Pulp currently defaults to PageNumberPagination. I looked at our current DRF defaults, and I noticed two things.

1. We default to the not-as-common PageNumberPagination based on examples in the drf docs.
2. We customize it here [1] in various ways.

Can someone help me remember why these pagination style choices were made or where the requirements came from?
Would our bindings work with a LimitOffsetPagination style?
What use cases drove the use and customization in this area?

Also, @katello how would a pagination style change (like switching to LimitOffsetPagination) affect you?

Speaking for katello, we'd have to change a few lines of code, but it seems like it would be minimal.

Thanks for any info you can provide. Maybe what we have right now is just what we need, but I'm not sure.


[0]: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/pagination/#setting-the-pagination-style [1]: https://github.com/pulp/pulpcore/blob/master/pulpcore/app/pagination.py

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