
Please provide feedback if you have any.
I'll start working on the PR to make the suggested change this week

Thank you,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 12:46 PM Tatiana Tereshchenko <ttere...@redhat.com>

> In RPM plugin we have Modulemd content. It comes from metadata as one file
> and we parse it and then save each modulemd as a separate file/artifact.
> The question is how to handle this content in the sync pipeline.
> Modulemd content is artifactless on a remote source (metadata) but it's
> not artifactless in Pulp, so it can't follow a standard path - it needs an
> artifact but doesn't have any remote source to download it from.
> The suggestion: find a way to skip ArtifactDownloader and
> RemoteArtifactSaver stages.
> The content and its artifact still need to go through all the stages,
> except the ones which deal with artifact's url in some way - download
> artifact (ArtifactDownloader stage) and or create a RemoteArtifact for
> downloading later (RemoteArtifactSaver stage).
> The straightforward way is just to check if DeclarativeArtifact has url
> (or check some special value) and skip the stage otherwise. Any concerns
> about this approach (apart form being somewhat hacky)?
> Any other solutions to the problem?
> Thank you,
> Tanya
> P.S. FWIW, Reasons to store modulemd as a file are:
> - the format is not very stable and new information can be added
> - it can be large
> - we don't need all the info in the DB, we use only small subset of fields
> (to search by or for copy operations)
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