pulp_container 2.0.0b2 is available on PyPI[0]. It is accompanied by a
Python client[1] and a Ruby client[2]. This is the first in a series of
betas for the 2.0 release of the Container plugin. This release is
compatible with pulpcore 3.4.

Please note that all container registry authentication has been disabled in
this beta. However, we intend to add token auth back before 2.0.0 is
generally available.

This release contains one important bugfix:

* Fixed the client_max_body_size value in the nginx config.

The new REST APIs for supporting push operations required us to move the
registry API from port 24816 to port 24817. This is the reason for the
major version being incremented from 1 to 2. Just as on the 1.y line, the
Python package provides nginx and apache configs to configure those servers
as reverse proxies so that your clients don't actually have to use either
of those port numbers.

Documentation along with a full changelog can be found on readthedocs.org

## Installation and upgrades

You can use the latest release of pulp_installer to install or upgrade[4].
The installer will symlink the nginx or apache configs so that the
webserver can reverse proxy the requests to the appropriate service.

[0] https://pypi.org/project/pulp-container/2.0.0b2/
[1] https://pypi.org/project/pulp-container-client/2.0.0b2/
[2] https://rubygems.org/gems/pulp_container_client/versions/2.0.0b2
[3] https://pulp-container.readthedocs.io/en/2.0.0b2/
[4] https://github.com/pulp/pulp_installer/releases/tag/3.4.0


Ina Panova
Senior Software Engineer| Pulp| Red Hat Inc.

"Do not go where the path may lead,
 go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
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