Today we continued the discussion about upgrade testing[0]. The main ideas
we discussed revolved around creating a set of tests that each use unique
fixture repositories and don't use orphan cleanup between tests. These
tests would be run in our regular PR build jobs and would allow us to
re-use these tests to populate Pulp with data before performing an upgrade
and then running a second set of post-upgrade tests that make assumptions
about data being present in Pulp. Some shorter term goals included the

# Ideas from June 24

* Requirements:
  * Create a set of tests that are run before an upgrade for pulp_file
  * Create a set of unique fixtures for pulp_file tests involved during
upgrade testing
  * Remove the use of orphan cleanup for tests that are used by
post_upgrade tests
  * Create a set of post-upgrade tests that rely on data generated by
pre-upgrade tests

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