Pulp 3:
    1. Went through pulp_docker feedback from stakeholders and some
suggestions for pulp_container
    * Rollback for push repos https://pulp.plan.io/issues/7357
    * As a user I can push content to a repo but make it available later
    * As a user I can hide tags from a repo when distributing content (
have not found a user story for this idea yet)
    * As a user I can sync manifests from a remote registry by digest( have
not found a user story for this idea yet)
    2. Discussed possible future improvements
        * As a user I can mirror a subset of platforms
        * Retention policy https://pulp.plan.io/issues/7358
           We do not provide any way on how to remove content from Push
           Docker API provides DELETE on blobs/manifests endpoints.
    3.  Discussions around Namespace planning. Apparently we need to decide
on what we will focus first, topic like multi-tenancy for pulp resources
also bubbled up .
        1. As a user I can create a repository within a namespace
            Example: registry_path = namespace/repo_name
        2. As a user, a distribution has a namespace
        3. As a user, a distribution and a repository can have the same
namespace (for pulp_container push repo usecase)

Open PRs:
* https://github.com/pulp/pulp_container/pulls

Un-triaged bugs:
 * https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp_container/issues?query_id=159

Ina Panova
Senior Software Engineer| Pulp| Red Hat Inc.

"Do not go where the path may lead,
 go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
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