Pulpcore 3.6.1 was released yesterday, but a bug with the OpenAPI schema
was discovered before this announcement could be sent out. This bug has
been fixed and pulpcore 3.6.2 is now available also[0]. These releases
contain three bug fixes and improvements to documentation. For a list of
all changes, please check the changelog for pulpcore[1].

# Installation and Upgrade

Users should use the 3.6.2 release of pulp_installer[2] to install or
upgrade their installations. This version of the installer will check
compatibility of all installed plugins with pulpcore 3.6. The installer
will abort if any plugin is incompatible.

The pulp_installer collection can be installed from Ansible Galaxy with the
following command:

    ansible-galaxy collection  install --force pulp.pulp_installer

The --force flag will upgrade the collection if you had a previous version

# Plugin API

The plugin API changes were all related to problems with the OpenAPI
schema. These bugs were all introduced in 3.6.0 when pulpcore upgraded to
OpenAPI version 3. The OpenAPI schema improvements are also evident in the
both the Python[3] and Ruby[4] clients. For the full list of changes,
please check the plugin API changelog[5].

[0] https://pypi.org/project/pulpcore/3.6.2/
[1] https://docs.pulpproject.org/pulpcore/en/3.6.2/changes.html#id1
[2] https://galaxy.ansible.com/pulp/pulp_installer
[3] https://pypi.org/project/pulpcore-client/3.6.2/
[4] https://rubygems.org/gems/pulpcore_client/versions/3.6.2
[5] https://docs.pulpproject.org/en/3.6.2/changes.html#plugin-api
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