On 11/22/2011 07:43 AM, Jay Dobies wrote:

I know the week of Thanksgiving isn't the best time to ask for deep
thought, but I'm asking anyway.

No Thanksgiving over here, so no holiday distractions for me :)

I also know there are at least two other teams interested in writing
plugins that I'd like to give some feedback on how this will meet their

1. The new sync log API looks pretty good. What I'll do is set up my sync commands to log to a file on disk (since of them run in a different process), then when everything is done, read that file and pass the contents back in the final report.

However, it would be nice to be able to store a "stats" mapping in addition to the raw log data.

2. I *think* the 'working directory' API is the 'get_repo_storage_directory()' call on the conduit. However, I'm not entirely clear on that, nor what the benefits are over using Python's own tempfile module (although that may be an artefact of the requirement for 2.4 compatibility in Pulp - with 2.5+, the combination of context managers, tempfile.mkdtemp() and shutil.remove() means that cleaning up temporary directories is a *lot* easier than it used to be)

3. The "request_unit_filename" and "add_or_update_content_unit" APIs seem oddly asymmetrical, and the "get_unit_keys_for_repo" naming includes quite a bit of redundancy.

To be both consistent, flexible and efficient, I suggest an API based around a "ContentUnitData" class with the following attributes:
  - type_id
  - unit_id (may be None when defining a new unit to be added to Pulp)
  - key_data
  - other_data
- storage_path (may be None if no bits are stored for the content type - perhaps whether or not bits are stored should be part of the content type definition?)

The content management API itself could then look like:

- get_units() -> two level mapping {type_id: {unit_id: ContentUnitData}}
    Replacement for get_unit_keys_for_repo()
Note that if you're concerned about exposing 'unit_id', the existing APIs already exposed it as the return value from 'add_or_update_content_unit'. I think you're right to avoid exposing a "single lookup" API, at least initially - that's a performance problem waiting to happen.

- new_unit(type_id, key_data, other_data, relative_path) -> ContentUnitData
  Does *not* assign a unit ID (or touch the database at all)
  Does fill in absolute path in storage_path based on relative_path
  Replaces any use of "request_unit_filename"

- save_unit(ContentUnitData) -> ContentUnitData
  Assigns a unit ID with the unit and stores the unit in the database
  Associates the unit with the repo
  Batching will be tricky due to error handling if the save fails
Replaces any use of 'add_or_update_content_unit' and 'associate_content_unit'

- remove_unit(type_id, pulp_id) -> bool
  True if removed, False if association retained
  Replaces any use of 'unassociate_content_unit'

For the content unit lifecycle, I suggest adopting a reference counting model where the importer owns one set of references (controlled via save_unit/remove_unit on the importer conduit) and manual association owns a second set of references (which the importer conduit can't touch). A reference through either mechanism would then keep the content unit alive and associated with the repository (the repo should present a unified interface to other code, so client code doesn't need to care if it is an importer association or a manual association that is keeping the content unit alive).

4. It's probably worth also discussing the scratchpad API that lets the importer store additional state between syncs. I like having this as a convenience API (rather than having to store everything as explicit metadata on the repo), but for debugging purposes, it would probably be good to publish "_importer_scratchpad" as a metadata attribute on the repo that is accessible via REST.

This is too big and ambitious for me to get right on my own.

Definitely headed in the right direction, but I think it's worth pushing the "structured data" approach even further. You've already started doing this on the configuration side of things, I think it makes sense on the metadata side as well.


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Engineering Operations, Brisbane

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