Sorry, correction.  I think the place I really needed to change the Python
was here:

The other change under pulp_rpm/yum_plugin may not be necessary if you
remember to set the checksum-type to sha or sha1.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Christina Plummer <>wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> The way I fixed the checksum for my installation of 2.1.3 was to manually
> edit the python file - on my system:
> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp_rpm/yum_plugin/
> I changed all the instances of "sha256" to "sha".  This just forces all
> repos to use SHA for all checksums - otherwise I was getting a mix of SHA
> and SHA-256.  I think part of the issue was actually with the modifyrepo
> command being used, which doesn't seem to have an option for specifying the
> checksum type.
> Christina
>  On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Baird, Josh <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This was fixed in 2.3.0 [1].  We are successfully syncing RHEL5
>> repositories with 2.3+.
>> [1] -
>> Thanks,
>> Josh
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Tim Bielawa
>> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 1:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Pulp-list] Creating RHEL 5 compatible yum repositories
>> Prelude: This is in response to BZ1042208 [0], "rpm metadata ignores
>> --checksum-type from repository"
>> Has anyone else experienced issues/victories using pulp 2.1+ to create
>> YUM repositories which are compatible with RHEL 5?
>> Specifically, I am referring to pulp setting/not setting the checksum
>> type of a newly created repository correctly?
>> I have a large number of RHEL 5 boxen to maintain and when we migrated to
>> Pulp 2.1 from 1.x we began seeing an issue where:
>> > pulp-admin ... rpm repo create --checksum-type sha ...
>> does not honor the '--checksum-type' option [1], and instead creates all
>> new repositories of type SHA256. This causes a backwards compatibility
>> issue with our RHEL 5 boxes who only support the SHA checksum type.
>> I am aware of the python-hashlib package, and have verified that
>> installing it successfully allows RHEL 5 boxen to consume repositories of
>> the SHA256 checksum type. However, IMHO this is a non-obvious work around,
>> and not a change I (or other system administrators) can potentially make
>> across my entire RHEL 5 infrastructure without a lot of coordination and
>> approvals.
>> Thanks for any advice!
>> [0]
>> [1]
>> --
>> Tim Bielawa, Senior Release Engineer/Scribe, Inception Why Should I Care
>> What Color the Bikeshed Is?
>> 919.332.6411 Cell | IRC: tbielawa (#inception)
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