Just curious, why did you set auth_enabled:False?

On 09/10/2014 08:02 AM, Henri Jubin wrote:
It works!
I took my time to check a full uninstall 2.3 client and 2.4 client
install plus a repo bind and package install
Thanks a lot

*From:* Jeff Ortel <jor...@redhat.com>
*To:* Henri Jubin <hjubi...@yahoo.com>
*Cc:* "pulp-list@redhat.com" <pulp-list@redhat.com>
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 9, 2014 7:58 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Pulp-list] Pulp 2.4 unable to bind repo

This is likely the issue.  The auth_enabled must be "True".  What's
happening is, the agent is requiring the messages to be signed by the
server and they are not.  When auth_enabled is: False, they signature in
the message is (None).

On 09/09/2014 04:04 AM, Henri Jubin wrote:
 > Hello,
 > The varisble is set as :
 > auth_enabled: False
 > Here comes de server.conf file:
 > # =========================
 > # Pulp Server Configuration
 > # =========================
 > # This settings in this file are all commented by default, and the
 > commented settings show the
 > # default values that Pulp will choose if not specified here.
 > # -- Common Configuration
 > -----------------------------------------------------
 > # = Database =
 > #
 > # Controls the behavior of MongoDB under Pulp's usage.
 > #
 > # name: name of the database to use
 > # seeds: comma-separated list of hostname:port of database replica seed
 > hosts
 > # operation_retries: number of retries on database operations to
 > #    perform before giving up and reporting an error
 > #
 > # Authentication - If the username and the password keys have values
 > provided,
 > # the pulp server will attempt to authenticate to the MongoDB
server.  The
 > # username and password provided here will be used to authenticate
with the
 > # database specified in the name field.
 > #
 > # username: The user name to use for authenticating to the MongoDB server
 > # password: The password to use for authenticating to the MongoDB server
 > # replica_set: uncomment and set this value to the name of replica set
 > configured
 > #    in MongoDB, if one is in use
 > [database]
 > # name: pulp_database
 > # seeds: localhost:27017
 > # operation_retries: 2
 > # username: admin
 > # password: admin
 > # replica_set: replica_set_name
 > # = Server =
 > #
 > # Controls general Pulp web server behavior.
 > #
 > # server_name:      hostname the admin client and consumers should use
 > when accessing
 > #                  the server; if not specified, this is defaulted to
 > the server's hostname
 > # default_login:    default admin username of the Pulp server; this user
 > will be
 > #                  the first time the server is started
 > # default_password: default password for admin when it is first created;
 > this
 > #                  should be changed once the server is operational
 > # debugging_mode:  boolean; toggles Pulp's debugging capabilities
 > # log_level:        The desired logging level. Options are: CRITICAL,
 > #                  and NOTSET. Pulp will default to INFO.
 > [server]
 > # server_name: server_hostname
 > server_name: pulp-srv2
 > # key_url: /pulp/gpg
 > # ks_url: /pulp/ks
 > # default_login: admin
 > # default_password: admin
 > default_login: admin
 > default_password: admin
 > # debugging_mode: false
 > log_level: DEBUG
 > # = Authentication =
 > #
 > # Keys used for message authentication.
 > #
 > # rsa_key:
 > #  The RSA private key used for authentication.
 > # rsa_pub:
 > #  The RSA public key used for authentication.
 > [authentication]
 > # rsa_key = /etc/pki/pulp/rsa.key
 > # rsa_pub = /etc/pki/pulp/rsa_pub.key
 > # = Security =
 > #
 > # Controls aspects of the Pulp web server security.
 > #
 > # For production installations, it is recommended that a new CA
 > certificate be
 > # generated for the signing of user and consumer certificates and
 > # using the following properties.
 > #
 > # cacert: full path to the CA certificate that will be used to sign
 > #    and admin identification certificates; this must match the value of
 > #    SSLCACertificateFile in /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf
 > #
 > # cakey: path to the private key for the above CA certificate
 > #
 > # ssl_ca_certificate: full path to the CA certificate used to sign
the Pulp
 > #    server's SSL certificate; consumers will use this to verify the
 > #    Pulp server's SSL certificate during the SSL handshake
 > #
 > # user_cert_expiration: number of days a user certificate is valid
 > #
 > # consumer_cert_expiration: number of days a consumer certificate is
 > #
 > [security]
 > # cacert: /etc/pki/pulp/ca.crt
 > # cakey: /etc/pki/pulp/ca.key
 > # ssl_ca_certificate: /etc/pki/pulp/ssl_ca.crt
 > # user_cert_expiration: 7
 > # consumer_cert_expiration: 3650
 > # serial_number_path: /var/lib/pulp/sn.dat
 > # -- Advanced Configuration
 > ---------------------------------------------------
 > # = Consumer History =
 > #
 > # Controls the storage of recorded consumer events.
 > #
 > # lifetime: number of days to store consumer events; events older
 > #    than this will be purged; set to -1 to disable
 > [consumer_history]
 > # lifetime: 180
 > # = Data Reaping =
 > #
 > # Controls the frequency in which reporting data is automatically
 > removed from
 > # the database. Database entries that exceed the given thresholds will be
 > # deleted from the database when the reaper runs.
 > #
 > # reaper_interval: float; time in days between checks for old data in
 > #    the database
 > #
 > # archived_calls: float; time in days to store archived calls
 > #
 > # consumer_history: float; time in days to store consumer history events
 > #
 > # repo_sync_history: float; time in days to store repository sync
 > history events
 > #
 > # repo_publish_history: float; time in days to store repository publish
 > history
 > #    events
 > #
 > # repo_group_publish_history: float; time in days to store repository
 > #    publish history events
 > #
 > # task_status_history: float; time in days to store task status history
 > in the db
 > # task_result_history: float; time in days to store task results history
 > [data_reaping]
 > # reaper_interval: 0.25
 > # archived_calls: 0.5
 > # consumer_history: 60
 > # repo_sync_history: 60
 > # repo_publish_history: 60
 > # repo_group_publish_history: 60
 > # task_status_history: 7
 > # task_result_history: 3
 > # = LDAP =
 > #
 > # Uncomment the below section with appropriate values to use an external
 > # server for user authentication.
 > #
 > # enabled: boolean; controls whether or not LDAP authentication is
 > #
 > # uri: url of LDAP server
 > #
 > # base: location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins
 > #
 > # tls: boolean; controls whether or not to use TLS security
 > #
 > # default_role: Id of the role to assign LDAP users to by default.
This is
 > #    optional. This role must first be created on the Pulp server. If
 > #    default_role is not set or doesn't exist, LDAP users are given same
 > #    default permissions as local users.
 > #
 > # filter: directive to set more restrictive LDAP filter to limit the LDAP
 > #    users who can authenticate to Pulp
 > # Deprecated! Please use apache's mod_authnz_ldap to do
 > preauthentication. See
 > # pulp's user guide for details.
 > # [ldap]
 > # enabled: true # are you sure? This has been deprecated.
 > # uri: ldap://localhost
 > # base: dc=localhost
 > # tls: no
 > # default_role: <role-id>
 > # filter: (gidNumber=200)
 > # = OAuth =
 > #
 > # Uncomment the below section with appropriate values to use OAuth
 > # authentication.
 > #
 > # enabled: boolean; controls whether OAuth authentication is enabled
 > #
 > # oauth_key: string; key to enable OAuth style authentication
 > #
 > # oauth_secret: string; shared secret that can be used for OAuth style
 > #    authentication
 > [oauth]
 > # enabled: true
 > enabled: 0
 > # oauth_key:
 > # oauth_secret:
 > # = Messaging =
 > #
 > # Controls Pulp's configuration of broker settings for communicating to
 > the Consumer Agent.
 > #
 > # url: the url used to contact the broker. This setting uses the form:
 > #
 > #       <protocol>://<host>:<port>/<virtual-host>
 > #
 > #    Or to use a username and password:
 > #
 > #        <protocol>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<virtual-host>
 > #
 > #    Supported <protocol>  values are 'tcp' or 'ssl' depending on if
 > SSL should be used or not.
 > #    The <virtual-host> is optional, and is only applicable to RabbitMQ
 > broker environments.
 > #
 > #    The default broker string is 'tcp://localhost:5672'.
 > #
 > # transport: The type of broker you are connecting to. The default is
 > 'qpid'. For RabbitMQ,
 > #    'rabbitmq' should be used.
 > #
 > # cacert: Absolute path to PEM encoded CA certificate file, used by Pulp
 > to validate the identity
 > #   of the broker using SSL. The default is '/etc/pki/qpid/ca/ca.crt'.
 > #
 > # clientcert: Absolute path to PEM encoded file containing both the
 > private key and
 > #    certificate Pulp should present to the broker to be authenticated
 > by the broker. The default
 > #    is '/etc/pki/qpid/client/client.pem'.
 > #
 > # auth_enabled:
 > #    Message authentication enabled flag. The default is 'true' which
 > enables authentication.
 > #    To disable authentication, use 'false'.
 > #
 > # topic_exchange: The name of the exchange to use. The exchange must be
 > a topic exchange. The
 > #    default is 'amq.topic', which is a default exchange that is
 > guaranteed to exist on a Qpid
 > #    broker. This setting is a string, and therefore includes the
 > single quotes.
 > #
 > [messaging]
 > url: tcp://pulp-srv2:5672
 > # transport: qpid
 > # auth_enabled: true
 > auth_enabled: False
 > # cacert: /etc/pki/qpid/ca/ca.crt
 > # clientcert: /etc/pki/qpid/client/client.pem
 > cacert: /etc/pki/pulp/ca.crt
 > clientcert: /etc/pki/pulp/pulp-srv2.pem
 > # topic_exchange: 'amq.topic'
 > # = Asynchronous Tasks =
 > #
 > # Controls Pulp's Celery settings. These settings are used by the Pulp
 > Server and Pulp Workers to
 > # perform asynchronous, server-side task work such as syncing,
 > publishing, or deletion of content.
 > # Communication between these different components occurs through the
 > broker.
 > #
 > # broker_url: A URL to a broker that Celery can use to queue tasks. For
 > example, to configure
 > #    Celery with a Qpid backend, set broker_url to:
 > #
 > # qpid://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/
 > #
 > #    For RabbitMQ you can use the following broker_url style:
 > #
 > #        amqp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<vhost>
 > #
 > # celery_require_ssl: Require SSL if set to 'true', otherwise do not
 > require SSL. The default is
 > #    'false'.
 > #
 > # cacert: The absolute path to the PEM encoded CA Certificate allowing
 > identity validation of the
 > #    message bus. The default is '/etc/pki/pulp/qpid/ca.crt'.
 > #
 > # keyfile: The absolute path to the keyfile used for authentication to
 > the message bus. This is the
 > #    private key that corresponds with the certificate. The default
 > value is
 > #    '/etc/pki/pulp/qpid/client.crt'. Sometimes the key is kept in the
 > same file as the
 > #    certificate it corresponds with, and the default assumes this is
 > the case.
 > #
 > # certfile: The absolute path to the PEM encoded certificate used for
 > authentication to the message
 > #    bus. The default value is '/etc/pki/pulp/qpid/client.crt'.
 > #
 > [tasks]
 > broker_url: qpid://pulp-srv2/
 > celery_require_ssl: false
 > # cacert: /etc/pki/pulp/qpid/ca.crt
 > # keyfile: /etc/pki/pulp/qpid/client.crt
 > # certfile: /etc/pki/pulp/qpid/client.crt
 > # = Email =
 > #
 > # Settings that allow the system to send email. It is recommended that
 > # the system relay through a local MTA on the machine. Pulp does not
 > retry in
 > # case of error, so it is important to have a real MTA available locally.
 > #
 > # If there is a need to test email sending, it is recommended to run
 > #  $ python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
 > # which will write each message to stdout.
 > #
 > # host: host name of the MTA pulp should relay through
 > #
 > # port: destination port to connect on
 > #
 > # from: the "From" address of each email the system sends
 > #
 > # enabled: boolean controls whether or not emails will be sent
 > [email]
 > # host: localhost
 > # port: 25
 > # from: no-reply@your.domain <mailto:no-reply@your.domain>
 > # enabled: false
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 > *From:* Jeff Ortel <jor...@redhat.com <mailto:jor...@redhat.com>>
 > *To:* Henri Jubin <hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>>
 > *Cc:* "pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>"
<pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>
 > *Sent:* Monday, September 8, 2014 8:18 PM
 > *Subject:* Re: [Pulp-list] Pulp 2.4 unable to bind repo
 > Hey Henri,
 > What value do you have for [messaging] "auth_enabled" in server.conf?
 > -jeff
 > On 09/08/2014 03:06 AM, Henri Jubin wrote:
 >  > Sorry if this message is repeated.  I just did not saw it in the list.
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > Brian,
 >  > Thanks for your quick reply first.
 >  > To all:
 >  > The client and server are fresh installations.
 >  > I dis any way the "...update --keys" without sucess.
 >  >
 >  > I  have 50 systems waiting in 2.3 for the update.  But until my short
 >  > collection of non regression tests works i am stuck.
 >  > The "repository binding" is blocking every thing and i dont see where
 >  > the problem is.
 >  > Regards
 >  > Henri
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > *From:* Brian Bouterse <bbout...@redhat.com
<mailto:bbout...@redhat.com> <mailto:bbout...@redhat.com
 >  > *To:* Henri Jubin <hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>
<mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>>>
 >  > *Cc:* pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>
 >  > *Sent:* Friday, September 5, 2014 1:57 PM
 >  > *Subject:* Re: [Pulp-list] Pulp 2.4 unable to bind repo
 >  >
 >  > Hi Henri. I'm not 100% on the root cause of your problem, but it looks
 >  > like the AMQP message that tells the client to bind is being received
 >  > but rejected. Could it be that this is an upgrade from a previous
 >  > version to pulp 2.4? If so, then it sounds like you need to run
 >  > "pulp-consumer update --keys" which exchanges the keys used to verify
 >  > the integrity of the AMQP messages. This is discussed some in the
 >  > upgrade guide as part of the release notes [0]. Hopefully this is
 >  > helpful. If it is not, please write back.
 >  >
 >  > [0]:
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > -Brian
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > ----- Original Message -----
 >  >  > From: "Henri Jubin" <hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>
 > <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>>
<mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>
 > <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com <mailto:hjubi...@yahoo.com>>>>
 >  >  > To: pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>
 > <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:pulp-list@redhat.com>>>
 >  >  > Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 5:57:55 AM
 >  >  > Subject: [Pulp-list] Pulp 2.4 unable to bind repo
 >  > >
 >  >  > Hello every body.
 >  >  > Please any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
 >  >  >
 >  >  > I am completly stuck and after 3 days of tries and retries i still
 >  > having the
 >  >  > following error when running :
 >  >  >
 >  >  > [root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2> <mailto:root@pulp-srv2
<mailto:root@pulp-srv2>> <mailto:root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2>
 > <mailto:root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2>>> ~]# pulp-admin rpm
 >  > bind --consumer-id=pulp-cli2
 >  >  > --repo-id=pulp-t1
 >  >  > This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the
 >  >  >
 >  >  > [-]
 >  >  > Waiting to begin...
 >  >  >
 >  >  > [-]
 >  >  > Running...
 >  >  >
 >  >  > Task Failed
 >  >  >
 >  >  > Please see the Pulp server logs for details.
 >  >  >
 >  >  > I got the following logs:
 >  >  >
 > ________________________________________________________________________
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > server calls.log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  >
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:41,500 - INFO - POST request to
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/consumers/pulp-cli2/bindings/ with parameters
 >  > {"notify_agent":
 >  >  > true, "binding_config": {}, "repo_id": "pulp-t1", "distributor_id":
 >  >  > "yum_distributor"}
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:41,501 - INFO - Response status : 202
 >  >  >
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:41,506 - INFO - Response body :
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "spawned_tasks": [
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "exception": null,
 >  >  > "task_type": null,
 >  >  > "_href":
 >  >  > "task_id": "0b717374-3910-4386-b95d-2b21ffd9b17b",
 >  >  > "tags": [
 >  >  > "pulp:consumer:pulp-cli2",
 >  >  > "pulp:repository:pulp-t1",
 >  >  > "pulp:repository_distributor:yum_distributor",
 >  >  > "pulp:action:agent_bind"
 >  >  > ],
 >  >  > "finish_time": null,
 >  >  > "_ns": "task_status",
 >  >  > "start_time": null,
 >  >  > "traceback": null,
 >  >  > "spawned_tasks": [],
 >  >  > "progress_report": {},
 >  >  > "queue": "agent",
 >  >  > "state": "waiting",
 >  >  > "result": null,
 >  >  > "error": null,
 >  >  > "_id": {
 >  >  > "$oid": "540987714ff5d7131f523991"
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > "id": "540987714ff5d7131f523991"
 >  >  > }
 >  >  > ],
 >  >  > "result": {
 >  >  > "notify_agent": true,
 >  >  > "repo_id": "pulp-t1",
 >  >  > "consumer_actions": [
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "350d7e7b-b11e-4d10-ae2a-c95fd5e6ce81",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409821278.018405
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "20274ea0-7e45-4ecd-af45-3d8d1fa78463",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409821321.167793
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "f820d43a-664e-44b3-96b6-b0f3722a9a27",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409821420.360724
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "2750b5e5-6027-4396-93a3-18b6f258403e",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409822072.1848819
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "d26013c4-e614-4444-b605-321dadb78617",
 >  > > "timestamp": 1409822139.2087121
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "25a38349-44c1-4420-8946-7fe2933002f2",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409822863.5793681
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  > > "id": "a17831dd-08f4-4d3a-abca-f74b5bfa6be2",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409837267.905148
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "e6cc30c5-56ba-43e2-85ea-20b95c764772",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409837400.0039749
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "0a75b473-7efc-49bc-8b09-5545a734e829",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409837871.694628
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "1552511a-8b86-432c-9a46-0c8dee5be8cb",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409837940.824223
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "d8302e09-10bd-4b07-ad00-2d951ee11225",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409838341.1885209
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "b08e091f-7841-435e-99fe-65d64df26688",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409839073.477845
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "6834fd6e-8b64-4170-b699-f7cd224c5a71",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409840494.1436059
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "80efaff3-1707-4430-91f7-2dbf1418448d",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409840653.0096099
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "8c30819f-ac58-4deb-b1e5-004d364b7259",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409840853.9674389
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "3f5b8260-610d-4538-8c32-2b6911a52c8d",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409904447.373436
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "60c3eb48-f7cd-487c-8455-fa817e24adeb",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409905494.2881739
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "7a3b6624-bb16-4bad-901b-d38aa14d3174",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409905757.772377
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "010ae821-0308-4bc2-9142-d7167ebf9a4e",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409905938.5015111
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "675aa45e-8228-4f35-8029-de7451f56f6b",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409907159.6529069
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  > > "id": "763b4130-8a72-4383-bc1d-6cac075ab9e8",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409907343.9925661
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "action": "bind",
 >  >  > "status": "failed",
 >  >  > "id": "0598fe12-8800-48f3-8536-f595753ad58f",
 >  >  > "timestamp": 1409908257.9649429
 >  >  > }
 >  >  > ],
 >  >  > "_ns": "consumer_bindings",
 >  >  > "_id": {
 >  >  > "$oid": "54082a5d4ff5d706b271d0c5"
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > "consumer_id": "pulp-cli2",
 >  >  > "deleted": false,
 >  >  > "binding_config": {},
 >  >  > "distributor_id": "yum_distributor",
 >  >  > "id": "54082a5d4ff5d706b271d0c5"
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > "error": null
 >  >  > }
 >  >  >
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:42,770 - INFO - GET request to
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/tasks/0b717374-3910-4386-b95d-2b21ffd9b17b/ with
 > parameters
 >  >  > None
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:42,771 - INFO - Response status : 200
 >  >  >
 >  >  > 2014-09-05 11:50:42,773 - INFO - Response body :
 >  >  > {
 >  >  > "exception": null,
 >  >  > "task_type": null,
 >  >  > "_href":
 >  >  > "task_id": "0b717374-3910-4386-b95d-2b21ffd9b17b",
 >  >  > "tags": [
 >  >  > "pulp:consumer:pulp-cli2",
 >  >  > "pulp:repository:pulp-t1",
 > >  > "pulp:repository_distributor:yum_distributor",
 >  >  > "pulp:action:agent_bind"
 >  >  > ],
 >  >  > "finish_time": "2014-09-05T09:50:41Z",
 >  >  > "_ns": "task_status",
 >  >  > "start_time": null,
 >  >  > "traceback": null,
 >  >  > "spawned_tasks": [],
 >  >  > "progress_report": {},
 >  >  > "queue": "agent",
 >  >  > "state": "error",
 >  >  > "result": null,
 >  >  > "error": null,
 >  >  > "_id": {
 >  >  > "$oid": "540987714ff5d7131f523991"
 >  >  > },
 >  >  > "id": "540987714ff5d7131f523991"
 >  >  > }
 >  >  >
 >  >  >
 > >  >
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > /var/log/messages
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:24 pulp-srv2 root: @@@@ HJ Fri Sep 5 11:49:24 CEST 2014
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:24 pulp-srv2 root: ====== prep initdump pulp
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:25 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Attempting
 >  >  > Database connection with seeds = localhost:27017
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_file_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Connection
 >  >  > Arguments: {'max_pool_size': 10}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_install_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.server.db.connection:INFO:
 > Database
 >  >  > connection established with: seeds = localhost:27017, name =
 >  > pulp_database
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_file_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_install_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_file_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_install_distributor for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  > > plugin yum_distributor for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_distributor for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin group_export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_importer for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_importer for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_importer for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_whole_repo_profiler for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_profiler for types: rpm,erratum
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin rhui for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > broker configured:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: Task
 >  >  > reply handler, started.
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > reply handler started
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO: The
 >  >  > Pulp server has been successfully initialized
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_distributor for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_distributor for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin group_export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_distributor for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_distributor for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin group_export_distributor for types:
 >  >  > rpm,srpm,drpm,erratum,distribution,package_category,package_group
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_importer for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_importer for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_importer for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_importer for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_importer for types:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_whole_repo_profiler for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_profiler for types: rpm,erratum
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin iso_importer for types: iso
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin puppet_whole_repo_profiler for types: puppet_module
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum_profiler for types: rpm,erratum
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin rhui for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin yum for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp: pulp.plugins.loader.manager:INFO:
 > Loaded
 >  >  > plugin rhui for types: rpm
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:26 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > broker configured:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > broker configured:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  > >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: Task
 >  >  > reply handler, started.
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > reply handler started
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO: The
 >  >  > Pulp server has been successfully initialized
 > >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: Task
 >  >  > reply handler, started.
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: AMQP
 >  >  > reply handler started
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO: The
 >  >  > Pulp server has been successfully initialized
 >  > > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 > pulp.server.webservices.application:INFO:
 >  >  > *************************************************************
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:49:27 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  > connecting:
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp: gofer.transport.qpid.broker:INFO:
 >  >  > {pulp-srv2:5672} connected to AMQP
 > >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: Task
 >  >  > RMI (rejected)
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  >  > Rejected
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: sn :
 >  >  > 84e6d063-06c1-4a69-87c4-15c1e982ae75
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: origin
 >  >  > : d368573a-ba6f-43c0-8aa4-26157b3520b2
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  > pulp.server.agent.direct.services:INFO: user
 >  >  > data : {'action': 'bind', 'repo_id': 'pulp-t1', 'distributor_id':
 >  >  > 'yum_distributor', 'task_id':
 >  >  > 'consumer_id': 'pulp-cli2'}
 >  >  > Sep 5 11:50:41 pulp-srv2 pulp:
 >  >  > rejected
 >  >  >
 >  >  >
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > /var/log/httpd/**
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > List : /var/log/httpd/access_log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > List : /var/log/httpd/error_log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:49:24 2014] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled
 >  >  > /usr/sbin/suexec)
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:49:24 2014] [notice] Digest: generating secret for
 > digest
 >  >  > authentication ...
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:49:24 2014] [notice] Digest: done
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:49:24 2014] [notice] Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) DAV/2
 > PHP/5.3.3
 >  >  > mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.6.6
 > configured --
 >  >  > resuming normal operations
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:50:41 2014] [error]
 >  >  > /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/db/connection.py:140:
 >  >  > DeprecationWarning: The safe parameter is deprecated. Please
use write
 >  >  > concern options instead.
 >  >  > [Fri Sep 05 11:50:41 2014] [error] return method(*args, **kwargs)
 >  >  > List : /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > - - [05/Sep/2014:11:50:41 +0200] "POST
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/consumers/pulp-cli2/bindings/ HTTP/1.1" 202 3504
 >  >  > - - [05/Sep/2014:11:50:42 +0200] "GET
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/tasks/0b717374-3910-4386-b95d-2b21ffd9b17b/ HTTP/1.1"
 >  > 200 585
 >  >  > List : /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > List : /var/log/httpd/ssl_request_log
 >  >  >
 >  >
 >  >  > [05/Sep/2014:11:50:41 +0200] SSLv3
 >  > "POST
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/consumers/pulp-cli2/bindings/ HTTP/1.1" 3504
 >  >  > [05/Sep/2014:11:50:42 +0200] SSLv3
 >  >  > /pulp/api/v2/tasks/0b717374-3910-4386-b95d-2b21ffd9b17b/
HTTP/1.1" 585
 >  >  > [root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2> <mailto:root@pulp-srv2
<mailto:root@pulp-srv2>> <mailto:root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2>
 > <mailto:root@pulp-srv2 <mailto:root@pulp-srv2>>> ~]#
 >  >  >
 >  >  >
 >  >  > _______________________________________________
 >  >  > Pulp-list mailing list
 >  >  > Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>
 > <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>>
 >  >  > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pulp-list
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  >
 >  > _______________________________________________
 >  > Pulp-list mailing list
 >  > Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>
<mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com <mailto:Pulp-list@redhat.com>>
 >  > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/pulp-list
 >  >

Pulp-list mailing list

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