Hello Dan,

I have the same erors. Did you manage to fix them?

Best regards,
Cristian Falcas

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Dan Hawker <danhaw...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> Have just started implementing Pulp as part of a PoC to see if we can use
> it to help streamline some of our deployment processes, including releasing
> RPMs and Puppet Modules out to the wild.
> All hosts in the PoC are CentOS 6.5 (latest updates applied) and am using
> the official Pulp repos from the documentation (v2 production from
> https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/pulp/pulp/stable/2/$releasever/$basearch/).
> Likewise am using the standard EPEL repo and mongo repo from mongodb.org.
> So far so good, seems to work as expected, however have one issue
> regarding accessing Puppet module repos. When I attempt to install a puppet
> module from Pulp as per the Pulp-Puppet docs, I get an error from the
> Puppet CLI; basically a 404 not found error.
> It looks as though the puppet client is calling the api in a different
> manner than pulp expects and hence Pulp/Apache is throwing a 404 error.
> (further details are below)
> My Pulp version is 2.4.0 (from
> repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/pulp/pulp/stable/2/6Server/x86_64/)
> [root@yum ~]# rpm -qa | grep pulp-server
> pulp-server-2.4.0-1.el6.noarch
> My Puppet version is 3.6.2 (from yum.puppetlabs.com)
> [dhawker@sandbox modules]$ puppet --version
> 3.6.2
> I'm guessing this is to do with the API version (API v3) my version of
> Puppet is using to access the repo, which was introduced in Puppet 3.6 and
> I think, PE 3.2.
> Does this sound correct?? If so, are there plans to support the v3 API, or
> possibly a workaround for the time being??
> Thanks
> Dan
> # Logs and Command Details
> I've tried installing using the puppet command itself, directing it
> towards a repo or consumer-repo and also using pulp-admin to push to the
> registered consumer, but all seems to end in the same error type.
> # puppet module install (to standard repo)
> [dhawker@sandbox modules]$ puppet module install --module_repository=
> http://yum.sandie.net/pulp_puppet/forge/repository/puppetforge-mirror
> puppetlabs-stdlib
> Notice: Preparing to install into /home/dhawker/.puppet/modules ...
> Notice: Downloading from
> http://yum.sandie.net/pulp_puppet/forge/repository/puppetforge-mirror ...
> Error: Could not execute operation for 'puppetlabs-stdlib'
>   The server being queried was
> http://yum.sandie.net/v3/releases?module=puppetlabs-stdlib
>   The HTTP response we received was '404 Not Found'
>     Check the author and module names are correct.
> # puppet module install (to consumer repo)
> [dhawker@sandbox modules]$ puppet module install --module_repository=
> http://yum.sandie.net/pulp_puppet/forge/sandbox.sandie.net
> puppetlabs-stdlib
> Notice: Preparing to install into /home/dhawker/.puppet/modules ...
> Notice: Downloading from
> http://yum.sandie.net/pulp_puppet/forge/sandbox.sandie.net ...
> Error: Could not execute operation for 'puppetlabs-stdlib'
>   The server being queried was
> http://yum.sandie.net/v3/releases?module=puppetlabs-stdlib
>   The HTTP response we received was '404 Not Found'
>     Check the author and module names are correct.
> # pulp-admin
> [root@yum ~]# pulp-admin puppet consumer install run --consumer-id=
> sandbox.sandie.net --content-unit="puppetlabs/stdlib"
> Install task created with id [ d3764f60-935c-4e1c-a66d-3b49fadb6f72 ]
> This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request.
> Could not execute operation for 'puppetlabs-stdlib'. Detail: 404 Not Found.
> Operation executed, but no changes were made.
> # Logs
> I don't seem to get any errors within pulp, but do get a basic 404 within
> the Apache access logs.
> /var/log/httpd/access_log
> - - [15/Sep/2014:15:11:00 +0000] "GET
> /v3/releases?module=puppetlabs-stdlib HTTP/1.1" 404 9 "-" "PMT/1.1.1 (v3;
> Net::HTTP) Puppet/3.6.2 Ruby/1.8.7-p352 (x86_64-linux)"
> Thanks
> Dan
> --
> --
> Dan Hawker
> danhaw...@googlemail.com
> --
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