On 10/24/2014 12:34 PM, Ashby, Jason (IMS) wrote:
> Not sure where you saw httpd was not starting, but anyway httpd starts up 
> fine and seems to be working OK, at least when testing with curl or openssl.  
> There are some complaints in the httpd logs I listed below, but other than 
> that httpd seems to be running OK.
> Anyway, I'm messing with rabbitmq now, so that I can point to certificate 
> files directly and not worry about the NSS DB.  I feel like the issue is 
> related to how the certutil is importing my root and intermediary CA's, and 
> perhaps a difference in the updated software across the stack.
> I appreciate you taking the time.  I'll let you know how RabbitMQ goes and 
> provide my configs as an example if it helps others, as I know the pulp docs 
> aren't complete on that currently.

Hi Jason,

I hate to be the bearer of this news, but Pulp's tasking system is
currently broken with RabbitMQ[0]. We have fixed this in our 2.5-dev
branch, but the fix won't be released until 2.5.1 comes out. It was
fixed with a rather complicated redesign, so it's not a simple patch
that can be applied.

It does sound to me like the qpid settings in server.conf might be
incorrect. If you could show us those, it might reveal something to us.
Of course, omit usernames/passwords ☺

[0] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1141336

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