Hi Randy,  

What is the primary concern?  Can you elaborate on why installing from git via 
pip is better than the options available today?

As we work to bring more developers in to the Pulp community I see a large 
issue that we have way too many repositories/moving parts to each plugin. 
However, There are current plans in place that will help to address a number of 
the concerns I am aware of. If we continue with the current plans for django & 
mongoengine there is no reason that we can not also move to having the CLI 
defined 100% by the core server. If we can do that then most of our plugin 
modules can be reduced to 1 python project as they will not need separate rpms 
for each admin/client CLI and the code that is shared between CLI & server. 
Once that transition happens there is no need to have the current python code 
nested under subdirectories with the current repository structure. This would 
solve the biggest current challenge as all the plugins could be reduced to 1 
module for the server and a second module, if necessary, for the handler to run 
on the consumers.  With that change a pip install of a particul!
 ar plugin becomes a reasonable path.   

An alternative option would be to remove the separation of python code within 
the projects and use the spec file to to separate out the code for the various 
sub-rpms rather than using the directory tree at the root.  At least in the 
short term this seems like a lot of work for little benefit to me and would 
also be more likely to lead to bugs that are not found during development 
since, at least for me personally, installing from RPM is not an everyday part 
of the development cycle.  

One very large downside of submodules, from my personal perspective, is that we 
would first explode the number of repositories that we are actively managing 
and we also add another layer of complexity to the everyday management of our 
repositories. I'm not sure the benefit is worth it given our other options. Of 
the options we have I would much rather focus on getting our code base to the 
point where plugins do not require the multitude of RPMs that we require today. 
 I can happily live with the current structure for a while longer if we are 
working towards that goal. 

All of that said, I could use your help with gaining a deep understanding of 
why installation from git via pip is better than the options we have today.  

Barnaby Court

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randy Barlow" <rbar...@redhat.com>
To: pulp-list@redhat.com
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 2:00:43 PM
Subject: [Pulp-list] [devel] git submodules

What if we used git submodules to put each Python package we have in its own 
git repository, and then the "pulp" repo just brings them together for 
convenience? This way we could do something along the lines of this:

$ pip install -e http://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm_plugins

Meanwhile, we could continue having the meta-repo that we have now that brings 
these submodules together for convenience.

What do you think?

Randy Barlow

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