
We have an issue with the order used by Pulp to publish our RPMs.

We are using a continuous integration process where we publish a new snapshot 
RPM with each commit, which means we have several versions of the same binary 
in our repo.

Each RPM is named with the pattern <rpm name>-<version>-<build>.noarch.rpm

Which means we produce for instance:
in our repo

The problem is that the "pulp-admin rpm repo publish run" command does not 
respect the build number ordering.

[root@d0puppetmaster victorbuckservices]# pwd

[root@d0puppetmaster victorbuckservices]# ls -l vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 172 Jan  8 16:29 
vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-840.noarch.rpm -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 172 Jan  8 16:29 
vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-833.noarch.rpm -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 172 Jan  8 16:29 
vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-832.noarch.rpm -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 172 Jan  8 16:29 
vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-829.noarch.rpm -> 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 apache apache 172 Jan  8 16:29 
vbackbone-datamanager-0.2.0-728.noarch.rpm -> 

Look at the "build" part of the RPM name, ls -rtl does not order them 
sequentially, which means the publish command did not take in account the time 
at which they were uploaded.

Furthermore, I've been digging into the following files


and I cannot find the latest uploaded RPM in these files.

Can you explain either:

-        How the publish command could meet my requirement?

-        How the repodata files are generated ?

Many thanks for your help


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