Looks like a few integration and packaging issues got missed. pulp 2.6 branches and master updated with fixes. Sorry for any inconvenience.

On 01/12/2015 01:16 PM, Jeff Ortel wrote:
Pulp Developers,

Today I am merging a PR that ports Pulp 2.6 to use gefer 2.4.  This is a
major version change from gofer 1.4 which includes minor API changes.
See release notes: http://gofer.readthedocs.org/en/pulp-2.4/notes.html
for details.

As a result, developers will need to be sure to have one of the
following combinations installed:

pulp >= 2.6 : gofer >= 2.4
pulp <  2.6 : gofer < 2.0  (suggest 1.4)

f21 ships with gofer 2.0 and 2.4 is in f21 updates-testing and should
land in updates (stable) mid week.  If you want to install from
updates-testing, I'd suggest you enable the updates-testing yum
repository and restrict the packages to gofer by adding:
"includepkgs=*gofer*".  Giving the update
karma would be helpful.

I will update deps/gofer and build in koji today.

If you PIP install gofer, you just need to use the appropriate branch or
tag in your git checkout.  Eg: "> git checkout gofer-2.4"

When running jenkins jobs, be sure to select the appropriate gofer
branch.  For now (github/gofer) master (the default) still points to
1.4.  I will send another email when 2.4 is merged to (github/gofer)

The python-gofer-amqplib package which integrates with python-amqplib is
no longer included in gofer 2.x. Users using RabbitMQ should use the
python-gofer-amqp package which integrates with python-amqp which
supports AMQP 0-9-1 and seems to be better maintained by the Celery

The python-gofer-qpid package has been ported to use QMF for broker
object management and now requires: python-qpid-qmf.

Last, this upgrade should be seamless to end users.

I know this temporarily complicates developer environments but gofer 2.4
is the latest upstream and is included in f21 and beyond.  It includes
significantly better unit test coverage, refinements, enhancements and
bug fixes.  It also includes new features that will likely be needed for
2.6.  Please let me know if you have any issues or if I can help in any
way with the transition.


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