On 02/13/2015 09:42 AM, Paul Jochum wrote:
> Hi All:
> Up until a week ago, I was syncing the RHEL 7 source rpms without a
> problem.  Then, the sync's started failing.  (Note, I do many other
> syncs of RHEL 5, 6, 7, and they are working).  In an attempt to fix
> that, I deleted that RHEL 7 Source repo:
> pulp-admin rpm repo delete --repo-id=rhel-x86_64-server-7-source
> and then created it again with:
> pulp-admin repo create \
>         --proxy-host=https://ih.proxy.lucent.com --proxy-port=8000 \
>         --repo-id=rhel-x86_64-server-7-source \
> --feed=https://cdn.redhat.com/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7Server/x86_64/source/SRPMS
> \
>         --feed-ca-cert=/etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem  \
>         --feed-key=/etc/pki/entitlement/1154873943288977817-key.pem \
>         --feed-cert=/etc/pki/entitlement/1154873943288977817.pem

What is the output of "pulp-admin rpm repo list --details --repo-id
rhel-x86_64-server-7-source" ?

> All that worked fine.  But, when I try to sync this newly created repo,
> it fails:
> $ pulp-admin rpm repo sync run --repo-id=rhel-x86_64-server-7-source
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>          Synchronizing Repository [rhel-x86_64-server-7-source]
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request.
> Task Failed
> Importer indicated a failed response
> **************************************************
> The output from /var/log/messages: (note, the time stamps don't match up
> with all of the outputs, I ran this multiple times to collect the output
> from different log files)
> Feb 13 08:39:26 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.strategy:INFO: Received
> task:
> pulp.server.async.tasks._reserve_resource[a9c459f8-783f-44f7-8c2b-ca4ee4e5aa48]
> Feb 13 08:39:26 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:INFO: Task
> pulp.server.async.tasks._reserve_resource[a9c459f8-783f-44f7-8c2b-ca4ee4e5aa48]
> succeeded in 0.0409018280002s:
> u'reserved_resource_worke...@lss-pulp02.ih.lucent.com.dq'
> Feb 13 08:39:26 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.strategy:INFO: Received
> task:
> pulp.server.tasks.repository.sync_with_auto_publish[93c962c7-8959-47e3-9771-e33a26f53aff]
> Feb 13 08:39:26 lss-pulp02 pulp:
> requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:INFO: Starting new HTTPS
> connection (1): cdn.redhat.com
> Feb 13 08:39:28 lss-pulp02 pulp:
> pulp_rpm.plugins.importers.iso.sync:ERROR: Failed to download
> https://cdn.redhat.com/content/dist/rhel/server/7/7Server/x86_64/source/SRPMS/PULP_MANIFEST:
> Not Found.
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR: Task
> pulp.server.tasks.repository.sync_with_auto_publish[93c962c7-8959-47e3-9771-e33a26f53aff]
> raised unexpected: PulpExecutionException('Importer indicated a failed
> response',)
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR: Traceback
> (most recent call last):
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 240, in
> trace_task
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:     R = retval
> = fun(*args, **kwargs)
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/async/tasks.py", line 316,
> in __call__
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:     return
> super(Task, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/celery/app/trace.py", line 437, in
> __protected_call__
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:     return
> self.run(*args, **kwargs)
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/tasks/repository.py", line
> 210, in sync_with_auto_publish
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR: sync_result =
> managers.repo_sync_manager().sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=overrides)
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/managers/repo/sync.py",
> line 113, in sync
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:     raise
> PulpExecutionException(_('Importer indicated a failed response'))
> Feb 13 08:39:29 lss-pulp02 pulp: celery.worker.job:ERROR:
> PulpExecutionException: Importer indicated a failed response
> **************************************************
> The output from ~/.pulp/server_calls.log
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,134 - INFO - POST request to
> /pulp/api/v2/tasks/search/ with parameters {"criteria": {"filters":
> {"state": {"$nin": ["finished", "error", "canceled", "skipped"]},
> "tags": {"$all": ["pulp:repository:rhel-x86_64-server-7-source",
> "pulp:action:sync"]}}}}
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,134 - INFO - Response status : 200
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,134 - INFO - Response body :
>  []
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,752 - INFO - POST request to
> /pulp/api/v2/repositories/rhel-x86_64-server-7-source/actions/sync/ with
> parameters {"override_config": null}
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,752 - INFO - Response status : 202
> 2015-02-13 08:35:03,752 - INFO - Response body :
>  {
>   "spawned_tasks": [
>     {
>       "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/",
>       "task_id": "b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db"
>     }
>   ],
>   "result": null,
>   "error": null
> }
> 2015-02-13 08:35:04,813 - INFO - GET request to
> /pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/ with parameters
> None
> 2015-02-13 08:35:04,814 - INFO - Response status : 200
> 2015-02-13 08:35:04,814 - INFO - Response body :
>  {
>   "exception": null,
>   "task_type": "pulp.server.tasks.repository.sync_with_auto_publish",
>   "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/",
>   "task_id": "b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db",
>   "tags": [
>     "pulp:repository:rhel-x86_64-server-7-source",
>     "pulp:action:sync"
>   ],
>   "finish_time": null,
>   "_ns": "task_status",
>   "start_time": "2015-02-13T14:35:03Z",
>   "traceback": null,
>   "spawned_tasks": [],
>   "progress_report": {
>     "iso_importer": {
>       "total_bytes": null,
>       "traceback": null,
>       "error_message": null,
>       "finished_bytes": 0,
>       "num_isos": null,
>       "state": "manifest_in_progress",
>       "iso_error_messages": [],
>       "num_isos_finished": 0,
>       "state_times": {
>         "not_started": "2015-02-13T14:35:03",
>         "manifest_in_progress": "2015-02-13T14:35:03"
>       }
>     }
>   },
>   "queue": "reserved_resource_worke...@lss-pulp02.ih.lucent.com.dq",
>   "state": "running",
>   "result": null,
>   "error": null,
>   "_id": {
>     "$oid": "54de0b97d414efbcda793b89"
>   },
>   "id": "54de0b976a7b400299509d4f"
> }
> 2015-02-13 08:35:05,877 - INFO - GET request to
> /pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/ with parameters
> None
> 2015-02-13 08:35:05,877 - INFO - Response status : 200
> 2015-02-13 08:35:05,877 - INFO - Response body :
>  {
>   "exception": null,
>   "task_type": "pulp.server.tasks.repository.sync_with_auto_publish",
>   "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/",
>   "task_id": "b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db",
>   "tags": [
>     "pulp:repository:rhel-x86_64-server-7-source",
>     "pulp:action:sync"
>   ],
>   "finish_time": null,
>   "_ns": "task_status",
>   "start_time": "2015-02-13T14:35:03Z",
>   "traceback": null,
>   "spawned_tasks": [],
>   "progress_report": {
>     "iso_importer": {
>       "total_bytes": null,
>       "traceback": null,
>       "error_message": null,
>       "finished_bytes": 0,
>       "num_isos": null,
>       "state": "manifest_in_progress",
>       "iso_error_messages": [],
>       "num_isos_finished": 0,
>       "state_times": {
>         "not_started": "2015-02-13T14:35:03",
>         "manifest_in_progress": "2015-02-13T14:35:03"
>       }
>     }
>   },
>   "queue": "reserved_resource_worke...@lss-pulp02.ih.lucent.com.dq",
>   "state": "running",
>   "result": null,
>   "error": null,
>   "_id": {
>     "$oid": "54de0b97d414efbcda793b89"
>   },
>   "id": "54de0b976a7b400299509d4f"
> }
> 2015-02-13 08:35:06,950 - INFO - GET request to
> /pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/ with parameters
> None
> 2015-02-13 08:35:06,950 - INFO - Response status : 200
> 2015-02-13 08:35:06,950 - INFO - Response body :
>  {
>   "exception": null,
>   "task_type": "pulp.server.tasks.repository.sync_with_auto_publish",
>   "_href": "/pulp/api/v2/tasks/b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db/",
>   "task_id": "b038fe03-05f4-44cd-b64a-e0f8b82561db",
>   "tags": [
>     "pulp:repository:rhel-x86_64-server-7-source",
>     "pulp:action:sync"
>   ],
>   "finish_time": "2015-02-13T14:35:06Z",
>   "_ns": "task_status",
>   "start_time": "2015-02-13T14:35:03Z",
>   "traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File
> \"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/celery/app/tra
> ce.py\", line 240, in trace_task\n    R = retval = fun(*args,
> **kwargs)\n  File
> \"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/async/tasks.py\", line
> 316, in __call__\n    return super(Task, self).__call__(*args,
> **kwargs)\n  File
> \"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/celery/app/trace.py\", line 437, in
> __protected_call__\n    return self.run(*args, **kwargs)\n  File
> \"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/tasks/repository.py\",
> line 210, in sync_with_auto_publish\n    sync_result =
> managers.repo_sync_manager().sync(repo_id,
> sync_config_override=overrides)\n  File
> \"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/managers/repo/sync.py\",
> line 113, in sync\n    raise PulpExecutionException(_('Importer
> indicated a failed response'))\nPulpExecutionException: Importer
> indicated a failed response\n",
>   "spawned_tasks": [],
>   "progress_report": {
>     "iso_importer": {
>       "error_message": {
>         "response_code": 404,
>         "response_msg": "Not Found"
>       },
>       "traceback": null,
>       "finished_bytes": 0,
>       "num_isos": null,
>       "state": "manifest_failed",
>       "total_bytes": null,
>       "state_times": {
>         "not_started": "2015-02-13T14:35:03",
>         "manifest_in_progress": "2015-02-13T14:35:03",
>         "manifest_failed": "2015-02-13T14:35:06"
>       },
>       "num_isos_finished": 0,
>       "iso_error_messages": []
>     }
>   },
>   "queue": "reserved_resource_worke...@lss-pulp02.ih.lucent.com.dq",
>   "state": "error",
>   "result": null,
>   "error": {
>     "code": "PLP0000",
>     "data": {},
>     "description": "Importer indicated a failed response",
>     "sub_errors": []
>   },
>   "_id": {
>     "$oid": "54de0b97d414efbcda793b89"
>   },
>   "id": "54de0b976a7b400299509d4f"
> }
> **************************************************
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