Hi, The web published directory for ISO files is cleaned out every time a 
publish occurs.  If you specify a different directory using the '--export-dir' 
flag on the command line the file will be added to the directory without 
overwriting the contents.  Adding the concept of aging or retention to the rpm 
repo export distributor is a good idea.  Please open an RFE for that particular 
functionality at https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp_rpm/issues.  Thanks!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Vijayabalan Balakrishnan" <bvijay...@gmail.com>
To: pulp-list@redhat.com
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 9:48:57 AM
Subject: [Pulp-list] Export ISO file retention Limitation..

Hi Team, 

Today I have created pulp server in DMZ subnet and from our master server tried 
to export as an ISO file. So that from disconnected server I can recreate 
whenever I need to replicate. However the problem is pulp is always keep n 
version. Second time if we execute export command the current exported ISO file 
and directory getting deleted before the new ISO file creation. Is there any 
way to put retention files (I mean number files) on my own? 

Because in this case in the design document we must include the 
instructions/practice that system admins who is taking ISO export they should 
first copy the existing file to the common secure share and then only he should 
execute the export command. 

I thought to understand this n version facility only ?. 

My pulp version is 

[root@server1]# rpm -q pulp-server 

Below I have attached the sample logs.... 

[root@Server1 ~]# pulp-admin rpm repo export run --repo-id custom_repo1 
Publishing Repository [custom_repo1] 
This command may be exited via ctrl+c without affecting the request. 

Initializing repo metadata 
... completed 
Publishing Distribution files 
... completed 
Publishing RPMs 
... completed 
Publishing Delta RPMs 
... skipped 
Publishing Errata 
... completed 
Publishing Comps file 
... completed 
Publishing Metadata. 
... completed 
Closing repo metadata 
... completed 
Generating sqlite files 
... skipped 
Copying files 
... completed 
Writing Listings File 
... completed 
Exporting ISO 
... completed 
Moving ISO to final location 
... completed 

Task Succeeded 
[root@Server1 ~]# cd /var/lib/pulp/published/yum/master/export_distributor/ 
[root@Server1 export_distributor]# ls -ltr 
total 0 
drwxr-xr-x. 3 apache apache 26 Feb 27 09:32 custom_repo1 
[root@Server1 export_distributor]# cd custom_repo1/1425047541.92/ 
[root@Server1 1425047541.92]# ls -ltr 
total 1468 
-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 1501184 Feb 27 09:32 
After the first time export command execution,new ISO file has been created. 
Again i have executed the export command 
# pulp-admin rpm repo export run --repo-id custom_repo1 
[root@Server1 1425047637.65]# pwd 
[root@Server1 1425047637.65]# ls -ltr 
total 1468 
-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 1501184 Feb 27 09:33 
Now new directory and new ISO file has been created.The old directory and iso 
file has been deleted. 
[root@Server1 custom_repo1]# ls -ltr 
total 0 
drwxr-xr-x. 2 apache apache 49 Feb 27 09:33 1425047637.65 
[root@Server1 custom_repo1]# pwd 

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