I have previously pointed out that the pulp documentation on how to
configure rsyslogd is incorrect. The thread ended at


The pulp documentation on configuring rsyslogd is at


There is a section on rsyslogd. It is still wrong.

The problem is that rsyslogd has no log facility called pulp, so the
documented solution does not work.

Inserting the following text into /etc/rsyslog.conf causes pulp and celery
log messages to be diverted to /var/log/pulp.log (and removed from

------ /etc/rsyslog.conf (before /var/log/messages line) ---------
# Log messages from pulp to its own log file.
if $programname == 'pulp' or $programname == 'celery' then {
    action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/pulp.log")

The code fragment above should be inserted before any catch-all lines such
as /var/log/messages.

The rsyslog documentation states that the RainerScript-Based Filters (as
used above) are to be used in preference to the legacy format.

I also tried to turn on logging the PID of the source process, to assist
with the confusing log messages complained about here

I found that inserting the line
$SysSock.UsePIDFromSystem on
in combination with using the imuxsock module provided PIDs on some of the
log lines, but not all. This problem is not completely solved yet.

How can this change be inserted into the documentation?
Ben Stanley.

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