On 24 August 2015 at 08:56, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 4. After the failed run with a non-absolute path, it's now stuck at
> "waiting for mongodb", and Ctrl-C doesn't work to terminate the
> script. The current output is:
> ===================================
> Launching in /home/ncoghlan/fedoradevel/_storage/pulp
> db
> db already exists
> qpid
> qpid already exists
> chown: changing ownership of '/var/lib/pulp': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/var/lib/pulp/celery': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/var/lib/pulp/published': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/var/lib/pulp/static': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/var/lib/pulp/uploads': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/etc/pulp/content': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/etc/pulp/server': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pulp/server.conf': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/etc/pulp/vhosts80': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pki/pulp/ca.crt': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pki/pulp/ca.key': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create directory '/etc/pki/pulp/content': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pki/pulp/rsa.key': Permission denied
> cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/pki/pulp/rsa_pub.key': Permission denied
> waiting for mongodb
> waiting for mongodb
> ...
> ===================================

I tracked down the culprit for the permission denied errors, and
they're SELinux related:

Mounting the volumes with the ":Z" suffix allowed the container to
access them appropriately.

Unfortunately, I still end up stuck waiting for mongodb. I even tried
"sudo setenforce 0" and still get stuck there. I'll keep digging :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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