On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 11:55:25AM -0500, Sean Myers wrote:
> On 11/30/2015 04:55 PM, Randy Barlow wrote:
> > 1) We could make the repository's README state that it is deprecated,
> > and provide a link to the Katello project.
> I prefer this, more details below.
> …
> I think the best possible outcome is to leave all the code available for
> those that might still be using it, make sure the project is clearly
> deprecated, and provide some examples for migrating from the deprecated
> module to the katello module if possible.
> Gaps in functionality between the pulp module and the katello module
> should be identified; if found, those gaps should be tracked as
> enhancement requests on the katello module.

This is also my preference. Does anybody else have any thoughts? Should
we proceed with this plan?

If possible, it may be good to disable pull requests on the repository
as well.

Randy Barlow
irc:   bowlofeggs
phone: +1-919-890-8150

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