see inline

On 01/27/2016 01:21 PM, Lesley Kimmel wrote:
> All;
> I am attempting to secure Satellite/Katello per DoD security guidance.
> The first few items I need to do is to limit incoming connections and to
> enable access control. Along those lines can anyone answer:
> a) How many connections to MongoDB does Pulp require? Is it configurable?

I think the best way to answer this question is to look at how Pulp
components configure PyMongo [0]. Each Pulp process will call
initialize() once. The #mongodb community could speak more to how many
connections that translates to with replica sets and seeds.

> b) Out of the box there is no access control between Pulp and MongoDB.
> What are the minimum permissions/roles needed for a user to allow Pulp
> do do what it needs to do?

Use the roles documented here [1].

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