I have a 2.8.0 install running on a patched-up CentOS 6.7 machine, running all 
from the pulp-stable distribution.   QPID as MQ, and Mongo server 

I can't seem to keep it running more than a week before it falls over, tasks 
stop running, and following repeated in the syslog:
Apr  5 16:09:22 oa-ftc-repo0001 pulp: pulp.server.async.scheduler:ERROR: There 
are 0 pulp_resource_manager processes running. Pulp will not operate correctly 
without at least one pulp_resource_mananger process running.
Apr  5 16:09:22 oa-ftc-repo0001 pulp: pulp.server.async.scheduler:ERROR: There 
are 0 pulp_celerybeat processes running. Pulp will not operate correctly 
without at least one pulp_celerybeat process running.

I do see this running in process list:
10606 ?        Sl     7:57 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/celery beat 
--scheduler=pulp.server.async.scheduler.Scheduler --workdir=/var/run/pulp/ -f 
/var/log/pulp/celerybeat.log -l INFO --detach 

If I attempt to stop celerybeat:
# service pulp_celerybeat stop
celery init v10.0.
Using configuration: /etc/default/pulp_workers, /etc/default/pulp_celerybeat
Stopping pulp_celerybeat... ERROR
Timed out while stopping (30s)

I'm not sure how to determine what it dying... If I hard stop and start 
everything, or if I reboot, I can get out of the issue for a few days, before 
it recurs.
Does anyone have advice on what to look for?   The Pulp logs basically says 
everything is logging to syslog, but have not found a smoking gun to indicate 
what fell over.

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