
So, it appears the 'Which verson of postgresql' to support is a little more 
nuanced than we
initially hoped.  Primarily, it locks us into what version of django we are 

Currently, the plan is to support whatever postgresql is provided by default in 
EL6 (v8.4).  The
feedback we have received from some stakeholders is that is the path they have 
chosen, and taking
them and Sattelite into account, it might be nice for them not to have to 
explain why you need two
different versions of the same database installed.

On top of that, some of our own userbase might be installing pulp in a 
datacenter in which they have
already had a significant investment put into their own PostgreSQL 
installation.  These people would
probably like to use that database server instead of having to stand up another 
one.  (Setting up a
database server following compliance and HA guidelines is a huge investment, 
and they will probably
want to maximize the benefit they get for that investment).  Allowing the 
maximum compatibilty for
user scenarios will be a huge benefit for adoption, in my opinion[0].

Which leads me into this next topic, which is Django version support.  With the 
decision to support
PostgreSQL 8.4 (default in EL6), We effectively lower our maximum version of 
Django support to 1.7.
 Take also into account that the default python on EL6 is 2.6, we effectively 
lower the maximum
version again to 1.6.  The state of using SCL Python 2.7 will probably dictate 
our maximum version
here for EL6.

Another +1 to possibly using Django 1.7 with SCL Python 2.7 is that django 
maintains y+1
compatibility, allowing us to potentially use Django 1.8[1] in envirionments 
that provide postgresql
9.0 or higher.  (EL7 has 9.2 by default)  This might also have other impacts 
though, which have yet
to be fully researched.

With this being said, we are still open to questions/thoughts/concerns on these 
topics, and would
like to hear your feedback if you have any.


And, if we pay attention to how we use django models, we might be able to say 
we run on multiple
databases, and support whatever is supported by that Django version, thereby 
maximising our database

Why would we be interested in Django 1.8?  Because Django 1.8 is an LTS release.

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